Mar 10, 2021
"Transport and Traffic of the Future" - Feature on TV-channel ntv

Project ABSOLUT - Automated Busshuttle: Simulation of the turning process starting from the Leipzig Exhibition Centre.
Current developments around driving and where transport and traffic are heading in the future is the subject of a report (5 March 2021) by the TV channel ntv (only in German).
The report "Transport and Traffic of the Future" also presents approaches and projects of the city of Dresden (Chapter 2, starting minute 8:35) and the research project "ABSOLUT" at the TU Dresden, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Chapter 3, minute 4:05 to 6:20).
The ABSOLUT project at the Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics is an automated busshuttle that runs self-organising between the city of Leipzig and the BMW terminal.