Nov 10, 2016
2nd Tharandt Forest Protection Colloquium
The 2nd Tharandt Forest Protection Colloquium took place on October 25, 2016 in the Judeich building in Tharandt. More than 100 participants from science and practice came to listen to six presentations on „Status, possibilities and prospects of close-to-nature and pesticide-free procedures to control potential biotic risk factors in forests“.
In the morning Prof. Dr. Curt Majunke from the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development gave a historic overview on prevention and therapy of forest damage. Dr. Katrin Möller from Landeskompetenzzentrum Forst in Eberswalde talked about current mass outbreaks of phyllophagous insect in Brandenburg and the effects of plant protection product aplication and their regimentation. Dr. Anette Herz from the Julius Kühn Institute in Darmstadt presented possible applications of beneficial arthropods and entomophagous nematodes in agriculture and pomiculture.
In the afternoon Christiane Helbig introduced the bioProtect project, which started at the Chair of Forest Protection in December 2015, and its first results on the application of allochthonous kairomones in the control of bark beetle populations. Richard Georgi, who also works at the Chair of Forest Protection, talked about the use of beneficial arthropods in the close-to-nature control of potential pest insects in short rotation coppices. Last, Prof. Dr. Michael Müller gave a presentation on the chances of a consequently implemented goal-oriented hunting regime in forests.
The presentations can be downloaded here.
We are very pleased about the positive feedback on the colloquium and take it as a reason to organize a third colloquium in two years time.