Diplomarbeit Luise Hutka
Analyse und Bewertung der GearScape Geoprocessing Language für die servicebasierte Schematransformation anhand von Anwendungsfällen im INSPIRE-Rahmen
Submitted by: | Luise Hutka |
Year of Submission: | 2011 |
Advisor: | Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard |
Dr. Ing. Stephan Mäs |
With the development of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) within the initiative INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) local data providers have to make their data available in a homogeneous data schema to simplify the exchange and use of data between different authorities. The conversion of the original data into another data schema – in this case into the INSPIRE data schema – is called schema transformation. For this procedure, a web-based service, a so-called INSPIRE Schema Transformation Service, can be set up to map the original data to the INSPIRE schema according to certain transformation rules. The present work analyses the suitability and capability of the less common GearScape Geoprocessing Language (GGL), which is based on the query language SQL (Structured Query Language) and extends it with spatial elements, regarding schema transformations – especially in the context of INSPIRE. Furthermore, it is examined whether and how the language can be used in a schema transformation service via a Web Processing Service (WPS) with GGL capabilities. For the analysis of the capability of GGL different complex transformation types that can occur as part of a schema transformation have been tested on the basis of concrete INSPIRE use cases. It is shown that GGL is basically suitable for the realisation of schema transformations. For those in the context of INSPIRE – as well as for the use in a schema transformation service – there are some drawbacks and constraints that prevent a reasonable use of GGL in this area at the moment. These obstacles as well as the general strengths and limitations of GGL concerning schema transformations are discussed in detail in the work.