Forschungsaktivitäten in Südafrika
Dr Dirk Jungmann Head of Ecotoxicology and Biomonitoring at Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology 01062 Dresden, Research Fellow at the UFS Centre for Environmental Management (CEM). Dr. Marinda Avenant Centre for Environmental Management Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa Dr. Hilmar Börnick Laboratory Manager Dresden University of Technology Faculty of Environmental Sciences Institute of Water Chemistry |
Planned activities Submitted proposal for the ERASMUS+ call for February 2024 |
Publications Marinda Avenant , Hilmar Boernick , Stephanie Graumnitz , Ngitheni Nyoka , Beatrice Opeolu , Patricks Voua Otomo , Annika Schubert , Sara Schubert , Adriana Tascha Vos and Dirk Jungmann. (2024): Investigating a surface water quality monitoring approach for QwaQwa, South Africa, by combining biological in vitro tests and chemical analyses. Frontiers in Water (in press). Carstensen Lale, Rene Zippel, Ron Fiskal, Hilmar Börnick, Viktor Schmalz, Sara Schubert, Mario Schaffer, Dirk Jungmann, Stefan Stolte. (2023). Trace analysis of benzophenone-type UV filters in water and their effects on human estrogen and androgen receptors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. THREATS OFEXTREME WEATHER EVENTS - Improving the Resilience of QwaQwa to theMultiple Risks of Climate Change. 2023. M.F. Avenant, J.A. Belle, H. Börnick, D. Jungmann, B. Opeolu ,P. Voua Otomo, N. Davis and R. Schulze. WRC Report No. 3091/1/23 ISBN 978-0-6392-0538-0,DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19798.46408 |
Previous activities
Development of Serious Game “MoRe WATER” (“Monitoring and Remediation of Waters”): The game provides an integrated approach to learn about benefits and challenges of different strategies for water quality monitoring in a case study. This includes the application of different water quality parameters such as basic physico-chemical information, detection of specific chemicals and assessment of biological endpoints. Factors such as different stakeholder groups as well as a limited amount of money and time resemble the real life situation.
Education Centre for Africa (DiMTEC), and other research institutions in South Africa and Namibia.