Here you can find additional information about the modules, which are carried out by the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). If you have any questions, please contact the respective highlighted contact person.
The complete list of all modules of your study program (including all elective modules) can be reached via the pages of the Department Hydrosciences or the Faculty of Biology. The study regulations of the Master's programs valid from WS 2018/19 can be found here.
Module | Responsible person/ credit points | Hints |
BHW312 Grundlagen der Hydrobiologie und Angewandte Limnologie |
Prof. Berendonk 5 cp |
WiSe |
BHW321 Praxis Hydrobiologie und Angewandte Limnologie |
Prof. Berendonk |
WiSe |
BIO-MBBT-32W14 Aquatische Ökologie |
Prof. Berendonk |
SuSe |
MHB01 Hydrobiologie und Gewässergüte |
Prof. Berendonk 10cp |
WiSe |
MHB02 Ökologische und molekulare Biodiversität |
Prof. Berendonk, |
WiSe |
MHB03 Ökologische Statistik und Systemanalyse |
Dr. Kneis, Dr. Petzoldt (IHB) 10cp |
WiSe |
MHB04 Ökotoxikologie |
Dr. Jungmann (IHB) 5cp |
WiSe |
MHB05 Fachpraktikum Hydrobiologie und Seminar |
IHB, UFZ u.a. 15cp |
WiSe, SoSe |
MHB06 Forschungspraktikum Hydrobiologie |
IHB, UFZ 10cp |
WiSe |
MHB07 Vertiefung Ökotoxikologie |
N.N. |
WiSe |
MHB08 Hydrologisch-ökologische Modellierung |
Prof. Borchardt (UFZ) 5cp |
WiSe |
MHB09 Ökologie und Wasserqualitäts- management |
Prof. Weitere |
WiSe |
MHB10 Vertiefung Biodiversität |
Prof. Weitere (UFZ) |
SoSe |
MHB11 Freilandübungen Gewässerökologie |
Prof. Berendonk |
SuSe |
MHSE01 Statistics |
Dr. Petzoldt 5cp |
WiSe |
MHSE16 Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology |
Prof. Berendonk |
WiSe |
* these exercises / practical courses take place as block courses