Lecturers and guest speakers
Lecturer and guest speakers of the Institute for Waste management and Circular Economy
Teaching Field Waste Management and Circular Economy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Igelbüscher
Honorary Professor of Thermal Waste Treatment
Tel. +49 351 463-44121
Fax +49 351 463-44122
Dr. rer. nat. Henning Friege
Lecturer Project Planning and Preliminary Calculation
Dr.-Ing. Peter Kornatz (guest lecturer)
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ)
"Biochemische Konversion" in the module "Abwasserwiederverwendung und biochemische Konversion" (only in german).
Teaching Field Groundwater and Soil Remediation

Dr. rer. nat. Axel Fischer
Guest lecturer
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Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy
Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy
Ivonne Nijenhuis (guest lecturer)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH (UFZ), Leipzig
Assessment of Contaminated Sites
Ines Rönnefahrt (guest lecturer)
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
Assessment of Contaminated Sites
Dr. Uwe Schlenker (guest lecturer)
BAUER Umwelt GmbH
Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Sites
Dipl-Geoök. S. Schlett (guest lecturer)
Fa. Cooper-Standard, Mannheim
Assessment of Contaminated Sites
Silvio Strauß (guest lecturer)
Ergo Umweltinstitut Dresden GmbH
Assessment of Contaminated Sites