Electric grid static converter
The electric grid static converters from ENASYS were put in operation at the chair of Electric Railways in 2010.
Performance characteristics
Installed Power | 14 kVA |
Nominal Power Frontend | 7,5 kW |
Nominal Power Backend | 7,5 kW |
Dynamic overload Backend | 10 kVA |
Nominal current Backend | 33 A |
Operating area Backend | 4 Q |
Grid voltage 3~ | 400 V |
Railway grid voltage | 230 V |
The programming of the static grid converter functions is made by the graphic user interface (HMI) on base of the standard software LabVIEW.
The railway power supply with special frequency 16,7 Hz can be simulated with following operating modes:
- parallel operation of rotary and static converters with elastic frequency
- parallel operation of rotary and static converters with inelastic frequency
- use of static converters as variable and dynamic load source (e.g. simulating real substation load profiles)