Nov 15, 2021
SAB-funded SmartFly project has started
Together with the Chairs of Aircraft Engineering (Prof. Markmiller) and the Working Group WIssensarchitektur - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture (Prof. Nönnig) of the TU Dresden, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and the Innovation Workshop of Phase 10 Ingenieur und Planungsgesellschaft, the Chair was awarded the SmartFly project. The goal is to analyze the feasibility of introducing air taxis in and around the Dresden region. For this purpose, demand models will be generated and applied using urban planning data, and possible network structures will be derived. The route network planning will be based on an APM for electrically operated multicopters, will take into account the citizen's willingness to pay and consider so far existing regulatory aspects according to the EU Regulation and EASA (SC and CS). The network cooperates with the German UAM model regions belongng to the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC), especially Hamburg and Ingolstadt.
Dazu auch eine Meldung vom Freistaat Sachsen: