Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht, M. Sc.

Ms Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht M. Sc.
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Room: | SCH 137 (Schumann Bau) |
Office hours: | by appointment |
since 05/2017 |
Research Associate in Business Economics Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Technische Universität Dresden |
2013-2017 |
Master studies Business Engineering Focus: Corporate Development (Entrepreneurship and Innovation); Car Manufacturing; Car Business Management Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Technische Universität Dresden |
2009-2013 |
Bachelor studies Business Engineering Focus: Management und Marketing, Operations and Logistics Management Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Technische Universität Dresden |
Ms. Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht's research focuses on:
- Business model innovations, with a focus on opportunities and barriers in times of crisis
- Decision-making in the context of innovation
- Solution approaches to strengthen the resilience and innovation capacity of structurally weak regions
Conference Articles
2020 | Müller-Sägebrecht, S.; Hammer, C. M. 2020. Welchen Einfluss nimmt die Risikoaversion einer Führungskraft auf Geschäftsmodellinnovationen? Eine dreistufige Analyse. G-Forum, virtuell, 28.09.-02.10. | ||
2019 | Walter, A.-T.; Müller-Sägebrecht, S. 2019.
Organisational Agility in the Context of Business Model Innovation. 11th SKM-Symposium, Stuttgart, 26.09.-27.09. |
2018 | Schuster, C.; Ernst, C.; Wöhler, J.; Müller-Sägebrecht, S.; Schefczyk, M. 2018. Haben Investmentmanager einen guten „Riecher“? Eine Analyse des Zusammenhangs der Tonalität von Investitionsempfehlungen in Entscheidungsvorlagen von Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften und der langfristigen Entwicklung von Portfoliounternehmen. G-Forum, Stuttgart, 10.10.-12.10. |
Master's Thesis
2016 | Müller-Sägebrecht, Sarah. 2016. Analysis of Consumer Behaviour in the Mobile Commerce of Consuming Goods. An Empirical Study with Implications for Trading Companies. Masterarbeit, Technische Universität Dresden. |
Currently, Ms. Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht is in charge of the following courses:
- Seminar "Innovation and Product Management"(engl., summer term) accompanying the lecture
- Seminar "Technology Management" (engl., winter term)
- Seminar "Technologie und Gründung" (german, winter term) within the course "Praktische Aspekte des Gründungs- und Innovationsmanagements" (practical aspects of start-up and innovation management)
- Lecture "Lizenzmanagement" (german, summer and winter term) as part of the lecture series "Schutz und Verwertung ingenieurtechnischer Leistungen" (Protection and Exploitation of Engineering Services)
In the past semesters, Ms. Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht has supervised the following course:
- Seminar "Unternehmerisches Handeln" (Entrepreneurial action, german, winter term)
Every summer and winter term, Ms. Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht supervises bachelor, master and diploma theses in the following areas:
- Business models and business model innovations
- Management of product and service innovations
- Innovation ecosystems
- Technology management (esp. new technologies and their implementation in business models)
- Decision-making (esp. decision-making process and group behavior)
- Risk management
- Entrepreneurship in structurally weak, rural areas
- Digital education
- Work 4.0
- Knowledge transfer and method management
TRAILS+ (Traveling Innovation Labs and Services)
- Conceptual design of the classroom and virtual workshop formats
- Didactic and methodical design of the teaching formats
- Integration of diversity-sensitive issues within the implementation of innovation workshops
- Knowledge and content-related support in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation
- Accompanying research with special focus on entrepreneurial education
The aim of the project is to promote innovation capacities in the Saxon-Polish border region and to connect educational institutions as well as local actors and multipliers (e.g. teachers) across borders for this purpose. The concept was developed by the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture of the TU Dresden and is implemented together with the Center for Knowledge and Innovation of the TU Wroclaw and the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship as project partners. The basic idea of TRAILS+ is to give students and SME employees in rural and often economically weak regions access to new formats such as maker spaces, hackathons and startup weekends that are otherwise only offered in urban areas. Companies such as Google, for example, use this principle worldwide to initiate innovations and startup ideas as well as to develop them into successful business models and at the same time to secure the next generation of employees. The innovation of TRAILS+ is to modify such formats and use them to strengthen local and regional development in smaller cities and communities as well.