Apr 18, 2024
Pitch at the Lausitz-Netzwerktreffen
Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf and Maximilian Meiler (Chair of Business Administration, esp. Finance and Financial Technology) presented their ideas regarding financial robotics at the startup pitch session from the Lausitz-Netzwerktreffen. The session centered around the question of how research transfer with robotics and IoT startups can be organized in the Lausitz.
The presentation highlighted potential applications of humanoid service robots in the banking sector, such as unlocking online banking access and preference elicitation for financial advice. We also discussed plans for integrating these technologies into the Lausitz infrastructure. Afterward, we received valuable comments and suggestions from the jurors and those responsible for the Lausitz projects.
We want to thank Prof. Dr. Aßmann, from the Chair of Software Technology at the Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology at Dresden University of Technology, for providing us the opportunity to present our ideas.
For further details about Lausitz projects: