Mar 13, 2024
PhD Regulars' Table
Start and end time
06:00 PM
Campus Bar & Restaurant
Hübnerstraße 13, 01069 Dresden
All PhD students of the Faculty of Business and Economics are cordially invited to the regulars' table, where they can discuss their doctorates and everything else in a relaxed atmosphere.
The regulars' table is something for you if
- you want to get to know PhD students from other departments.
- you know the best PhD meme.
- you want to celebrate your latest success.
- you have a problem and need other perspectives.
- you sometimes feel lonely while doing your doctorate.
- you want to expand your network.
- you just want to spend a nice evening with others.
If you are interested in participating, please use the survey:
- March 13, 2024:
The organizers of the regulars' table are Lisa Junge (Chair of Sustainablilty Management and Environmental Accounting) and Sabrina Schmidt (Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy). If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact them.