Concept & Management
Core Facilities (CF) are key elements of any modern biotechnological and biomedical research infrastructure and as such, contribute significantly to the advancement of science and education. The CMCB Technology Platform (CMCB TP) has developed out of a set of core facilities and services run by the research institutes B CUBE - Center for Molecular Bioenginieering, Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) and Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), now all part of the central scientific unit CMCB at TU Dresden. It has over the recent years advanced into a unit with a first-rate reputation in the life sciences community and as in line with the CMCB’s mission is available to use for both internal and external scientists. The CMCB TP with its Core Facilities and Services therefore plays a crucial role in enabling scientists of all career levels to achieve their research goals in a cost and time effective way. It offers the opportunity to utilize cutting-edge technological and methodological resources, gives access to expert know-how and also contributes significantly to the idea of the technology transfer by conducting internal and external training courses and workshops, often in collaboration with industrial partners. As a stage for close cooperation, the CFs also support many research initiatives, stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation and create an important platform for acquisition of national and international funds.
CMCB CF are staffed by dedicated technology experts, which help researchers to plan and use the optimal technologies for their specific research questions, to provide services or hands on training with the latest equipment and technologies. Each CMCB CF is run by a Head of Core Facility, who is responsible for daily operations and is supported by further technical or scientific staff. The Core Facility Head is also supported by an internal Core Facility Committee, which consists of representatives of the research units of the three CMCB institutes and advises on scientific directions and strategies, investment planning, pricing models. This committee also provides valuable feedback on current operations and evaluates the Core Facility on a regular basis by applying standardized evaluation criteria.
Alongside the CMCB CF a dedicated administration team is helping to ensure that the CMCB CFs can focus on their research, development and service tasks. The administration team takes care of the accounting, human resources, helps with grant management, price calculations, purchases/investments, supports the introduction of new services and to define and implement future strategies.

Administrative Coordinator
NameDr. Dana A. Schoder
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
CMCB TP Assistance
NameMs Lisa Lehmann
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

CMCB Technologyplatform Accountant
NameRomy Fleck
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
CMCB Technologyplatform Accountant
NameLaura Görlich
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
The CMCB Technology Platform is enabled mainly by third party financing through the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Free State of Saxony and the European Union EFRE initiative.