Transfer centre: AI-based methods for corporate and intercultural learning
Table of contents
The task of the Transfer Centre is to develop current findings from social science research on artificial intelligence for corporate and intercultural learning.
Under the leadership of Senior Scientist Prof Dr Shahram Azizi Ghanbari, the Transfer Office works on a portfolio of tasks. Starting with the supervision of doctoral students, research topics are developed for transfer and profiled accordingly.
The target groups of the transfer are stakeholders in science and practice. The focus on in-company and intercultural learning is highly innovative. In these areas, AI-based methods promise considerable innovation in knowledge cooperation, be it in the form of the integration of AI-based assistance systems or modified algorithms for processing large amounts of data in education.
Starting Point
The starting point is research by the CODIP - Centre for Open Digital Innovation and Participation, which is being implemented with funding from the European Union and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, but is only designed for broad transfer to a limited extent. This also includes the junior research group "Situated AI-based Mentoring" as part of ScaDS.AI (Centre for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence), which started its work in quarter 3 / 2022.
The focus is on the experimental investigation and monitoring of knowledge work based on process-accompanying, in particular, non-reactive data on learning activity in situated contexts using artificial intelligence (AI).
From the point of view of schools and universities, especially vocational education and training and production-orientated cooperation between companies and learning locations, learning takes place in appropriate contexts ("situated") and requires the teaching of industry-specific but also generic skills and abilities. In this respect, the main objective of the learning process is technical and professional socialization (identity development). These, in turn, result from a wide variety of data on the labor market, technological developments, future industry orientation, etc.
The setting of AI-based mentoring brings together training and cooperation scenarios with AI-based mentoring, e.g. in the workplace or vocational training. In this respect, users in de facto any industry (not just learners and teachers) can be supported in their actions by autonomous agents, using text and natural language processing (NLP), in a physical context (i.e. situated).
The teaching and learning method of Anchored Instruction, which is closely related to situated learning, will be used to work on points of interest and motivation in a data-based manner to encourage learners to research and solve problems independently.
The aim of the researcher position in the sense of a 'senior scientist' is to develop the above-mentioned topics from basic research for transfer to labor market-related counseling of company actors and for the qualification of teachers, especially in company contexts (trainers, foremen, etc.), including the further training of teachers.
This also includes developing an understanding from an intercultural perspective and integrating it into the educational processes of all the above-mentioned areas and target groups to develop effective approaches for everyday work in companies.
The approaches to be developed here for transfer enable the digital inclusion of vulnerable target groups through AI-based and individualized education. Ideally, it should be possible to link these data sources back to the social partners in a suitable manner.
In addition to the above-mentioned support for young researchers in the transfer process, transfer formats include the aggregation of research data, the organization of target group-specific workshops and also teaching and lecture activities with a focus on Saxon stakeholders, in cooperation with the institutions of TU Dresden.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Shahram Azizi Ghanbari

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameProf. Dr. Shahram Azizi Ghanbari
Leitung Transferstelle KI
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, 4. OG, Zi. 447 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
1980 Commenced medical studies in Tehran (Iran)
1980-1986 Studied general medicine in Tehran.
1986-1987 Learns the German language in Göttingen
1988-1989 Attends the preparatory college at the University of Hanover
1989-1995 Studied for a degree in computer science, specialising in medical informatics, University of Hildesheim, graduating with a grade of 1.3
1992-1995 Second degree course in Social Pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim
April 2000 Obtained Dr phil. at the Technical University of Dresden. With the title: "Approximative process modelling in empirical social science research" with the degree (summa cum laude)
The habilitation procedure on computer-supported teaching and learning environments was initiated in February 2004 and completed on 14 December 2004. (reviewers Jürgen Baumert, Manfred Prenzel, Franz Schott and Ralf Vollbrecht)
1995-1998 Work in the DFG project "Kinderfreundschaften" together with Prof. Lutz Alisch (Professor of Philosophy of Science and Research Methods at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the TU Dresden)
1996-1997 as lecturer for Quantitative Methods in Educational Science I
1997 lecturer for Quantitative Methods in Educational Science II
1997-1998 as lecturer for Quantitative Methods in Educational Science I
1997- 2004 Research assistant at the Faculty of Educational Science at the Technical University of Dresden in the Department of Philosophy of Science and Research Methods for courses Quantitative Methods I, II and III.
2004- 2009 Research assistant at the Institute for Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, specialising in Psychology), TU Dresden.
2007- 2008 Substitute W3 professorship for empirical educational research at the University of Erfurt
2009-2012 Lecturer for university didactics and e-learning at the International University Institute Zittau
SS 2013 Substitute W3 professorship for "School Pedagogy and General Didactics" at the Institute for School Pedagogy at the University of Rostock.
SS 2014 - WS 15/16 Substitute W3 Professorship for "Educational Science and Empirical Teaching Research" at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Greifswald.
01.04.17 - 01.04.2020 Substitute W3 Professorship for General Pedagogy and Educational Research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
01.08.2021 - 30.April 2022 Substitute W3 Professorship for Educational Science with a focus on empirical teaching/learning research at the University of Passau
Language skills:
- Farsi (mother tongue)
- German, English
- English, German
- Spanish
- Arabic
- Systems theory, process modelling and simulations
- Data collection and measurement
- Philosophy of science and research methods
- Teaching/learning research and intercultural learning
- Intercultural pedagogy and integration research
- Design and evaluation of computer-aided teaching and learning environments.
- Development and application of theoretical competence models
- Competence diagnostics, competence development and lifelong learning
- University didactics
- Empirical teaching research and educational research
Janson, D., Ehmann, D. & Azizi Ghanbari, S., (2000). [Programmierung] Multimedia-Spiele aus dem Würzburger Trainingsprogramm zur phonologischen Bewusstheit. Petre Küspert, Ellen Roth, Wolfgang Schneider, Laier und Becker Psychologie & Multimedia GbR.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2000). Approximative Prozessmodellierungen in der empirisch-erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2002). Einführung in die Statistik für Sozial- und Erziehungswissenschaft-ler. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2006). MAS Multiagentensysteme zur Analyse und Verbesserung von vernetztem, Kooperativem Lernen. Münster / New York München / Berlin: Waxmann Verlag.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2008). Lernprogramme und lerntheoretische Positionierung. Monsenstein und Vannerdat Verlag
Schott, F. & Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2008). Kompetenzdiagnostik, Kompetenzmodelle, kompe-tenzorientierter Unterricht. Zur Theorie und Praxis überprüfbarer Bildungsstandards ComTrans ein theoriegeleiteter Ansatz zum Kompetenztransfer als Diskussionsvorlage. Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2011). Messen und Bewerten. Eine Einführung in Messinstrumente am Beispiel der webbasierten Lernplattform IDEAL Waxmann Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-8309-2532-3
Schott, F. & Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2012). Der Beitrag von Bildungsstandards, kompetenzorien-tiertem Unterricht und Kompetenzdiagnostik zur Qualitätssicherung des Bildungswesens in der Schule. Münster: Waxmann
Selected publications
Alisch, L.-M., Azizi Ghanbari, S. & Bargfeldt, M. (1997). Dynamics of Children’s friendships. In R.A. Eve, S. Horsfall & M.E. Lee (Eds.). Chaos, complexity, and soci-ology. Myths, models, and theories (pp. 163-181). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2003). Multi-Agenten System: Einsatz von künstlichen Agenten, z.B. in der Schule. grkg /Humankybernetik, Band 44 Heft 3 (S.4-16).
Schott, F & Hillebrandt, D. & Schubert T. & Azizi Ghanbari, S.(2004). Analysis of Indi-vidual Lerrning Sequence.
Azizi Ghanbari, S., Schott, S. Schubert, T. & Wolff, K.E. (2005). Measuring behavior dur-ing complex learning. Measuring Behavior 2005 5th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. Abstracts, (S. 252-263). Wageningen, The Netherlands. Verfügbar unter:
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2006). Analyse der Dynamik von Kinderfreundschaften und von Ge-walt in Schulen mittels Mathematischer Modellierung (Auszüge von DFG Projekten). Zeit-schrift grkg /Humankybernetik, Band 47 Heft 3 (S. 18-27). 2
Azizi Ghanbari, S. & Schott, F. (2007). Instruktionsdesign für die Schule. „Pädagogische Psychologie in Theorie und Praxis“ Ein fallbasiertes Lehrbuch. In J. Zumbach & H. Mandl (Hrsg.) (S. 33-42). Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle: Hogrefe Verlag.
Azizi Ghanbari, S. & Schott, F. (2008). Wie kann eine verstärkte Output-Orientierung die Qualität des Bildungswesens verbessern? – Dazu ein Vorschlag: der Ansatz ComTrans. Österreich: Zeitschrift Erziehung und Unterricht. Heft 1-2/2009 (S.217- 227).
Schott, F. & Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2009). Modellierung, Vermittlung und Diagnostik der Kom-petenz kompetenzorientiert zu unterrichten – wissenschaftliche Herausforderung und ein praktischer Lösungsversuch. In Themenheft der „ Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand“. Titel: Kompetenzmodellierung und –Messung in der Lehrerbildung (Hrsg.) Schaper, N, Hilligus, A. & Reinhold, P. Verlag Empirische Pädagogik. ( VEP). SHeft 2(1). (S.10-27)
Schott, F & Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2010). Zur Theorie und Praxis kompetenzorientierten Leh-rens und Lernens Probleme und Lösungsmöglichkeiten). Zeitschrift für Report Psychologie (RP). Report Fachwissenschaftlicher Teil. 11/12 2010 , (S. 474-487)
Schott, F & Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2011). Zur Theorie und Praxis kompetenzorientierten Leh-rens und Lernens Probleme und Lösungsmöglichkeiten). einer Zweitpublikation in der Fachzeitschrift "Berufliche Rehabilitation" der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsbildungswerke ( Lambertus Verlag, Freiburg Heft 1/2011 (S. 17-34).
Azizi Ghanbari, S. (2012). Competence-based learning”. Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. (2012) New York, NY: Springer Verlag + Business Media, LLC. (S. 668-671). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428- 6_1209
Azizi Ghanbari, S &. Schott, F. (2013). Was für den kompetenzorientierten Unterricht spricht. Neue Züricher Zeitung Bildung und Erziehung, 10.04.13 / Nr. 82 / Seite 65 / Teil 01
Azizi Ghanbari, S (2014). „Die Kompetenz, kompetenzorientiert zu unterrichten – wissenschaftliche Herausforderung und ein praktischer Lösungsversuch“ journal für lehrerinnen- und lehrerbildung (JLB). 3. Heft (S. 34-43).