The sub-project "Mentoring support tools and organizational implementation" is being worked on at the CODIP of the TU Dresden as a part of the joint project "tech4comp"
The aim of the sub-project is to develop a mentoring workbench (working environment) that offers teachers and students information about individual learning processes. It provides teachers with recommendations on possible pedagogical interventions and encourages students to engage in conducive learning actions. (Work Package 4)
In addition, the CODIP is responsible for the necessary personnel and organizational development for the implementation of the Workbench in university teaching. (Work package 6)
The CODIP also supervises the piloting of the tools developed in the project in a so-called Testbed (test scenario) at the Chair of Educational Technology at the TU Dresden. (Work package 8)
Presentation of the work packages
Within the framework of the joint project tech4comp, the CODIP of the TU Dresden coordinates the work packages 4 and 6. The CODIP handles further tasks in the project in the work packages 1 and 8.
For didactic modeling of mentoring processes, the CODIP contributes current Use Cases for the utilization of learning applications from the learners' perspective.
To support teachers and students, web applications are being (further) developed and brought together in a so-called workbench for teachers. The aim is to provide teachers and students with information about individual learning processes, to give teachers recommendations for possible pedagogical interventions, and to stimulate beneficial learning actions on the part of the students. The basis for the development of these support tools for mentoring students is the data derived from the various digitally supported learning applications in work package 3 "Distributed Data Analysis Procedures", which was aggregated and prepared for teachers. Through the visualization of the processed data and the presentation of correlations between different learning actions, both teachers and students receive information about their individual learning progress, about identified difficulties in the learning process and about their learning profile with regard to their own interests, achievements and preferences. The user interface should be integrated into the learning technologies already in use, so that no new registration and familiarization with an additional learning application is required. Students as well as teachers receive only the information relevant for the respective context in order to initiate, prepare and reflect decisions and reactions for the mentoring process.
Questions relevant to this work package are:
- How can teachers be supported in their mentoring tasks by digital tools?
- Are there mentoring tasks that can be completely mapped by digital tools?
- How must information be prepared so that it can stimulate and support teachers in their mentoring actions (keyword nudging)?
- What educational technology concept supports an application of digital mentoring tools that is integrated into current and future learning routines?
With the aim of enabling sustainable use of the concepts, tools and applications developed in the tech4comp project at German universities, organizational and personnel development measures are being taken at an early stage. These include contact with all relevant stakeholders, consideration of the special requirements of universities (especially with regard to the data protection framework), the development of formats for passing on the know-how such as workshops and training courses, and the design of an organizational model for the permanent operation and sustainable provision of the offerings in everyday university life. In addition to the software operating concept, the latter must also include implementation in academic teaching, e.g., in the form of adapted regulations such as study and examination regulations.
Questions relevant to this work package are:
- How can digital support systems that use data to accompany the learning process be implemented sustainably at universities while taking data protection into account?
- Which support systems are accepted by university lecturers as helpful and by students as conducive to learning or motivating for learning?
- What are the organizational, personal, and technological conditions for the successful integration of digital tools to support mentoring in digital learning environments?
The TU Dresden is designing a testbed in the field of vocational teacher training in which the tools developed in the project are tested and evaluated with regard to their effectiveness. Particular challenges in this testbed are the heterogeneous study group, which is composed of several study programs, and the low value of the course for the students, which does not include an examination.
Project Information
The project is being worked on by a total of 9 project partners from all over Germany.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the funding line "Innovationspotenziale digitaler Hochschulbildung".
Project management

Director CODIP
NameMr Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, Floor, Office 450 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Project coordination

Research associate
NameMs Julia Zawidzki M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 437 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden

Research associate
NameOrkhan Jalilov M.A., M.A.
Projektmitarbeiter im Projekt Tech4comp (KI)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Research associate
NameMs Sandra Schufmann
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Director CODIP
NameMr Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, Floor, Office 450 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden

Research associate
NameMs Julia Zawidzki M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 437 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden