The Current Research Information System (FIS)
The Research Information System (FIS) is the single-point-of-information for all key data on research achievements and activities of academically active members and affiliates of TU Dresden. The TUD Research Portal, which is directly connected to the FIS and publicly available, makes selected research information on visible results of research at TU Dresden available to the general public. With this, in particular, publications, patents, research projects, prizes and honors, as well as information on activities and networking in the scientific community, such as such as editorships, lectures, supervision of early career scientists or research stays and hosting activities selected by members and affiliates of TU Dresden are presented to increase the outreach and visibility of public research activities of TU Dresden.

The Research Information System (FIS)
In 2014, the project for renewal of the Research Information Systems (FIS) within the excellence initiative of the TU Dresden has started. The goal was to replace the FIS in-house development with a powerful information system that could meet the growing demands of research reporting both internally and externally.
Since 2022, TU Dresden has a new Research Information Systems (FIS). With the release of the new FIS, scientists at all career levels, from doctoral candidates to chair holders of the TU Dresden, received their own FIS research profile for a self-determined recording, managing, processing and presenting of their research activities. The FIS is the central tool for research reporting for a wide variety of reporting purposes both internally and externally (see also FIS Regulations of TU Dresden). The TUD Research Portal, which is directly connected to the FIS and equipped with modern search filters, makes selected research information on visible results of research at the TU Dresden available to the general public in order to noticeably increase the outreach and visibility of public research activities linked to the TU Dresden websites.