Table of contents
The ombudsperson is the contact person, advisor, and mediator in all cases of suspected scientific misconduct. If necessary, the ombudsperson is supported by the Review Board for Scientific Misconduct.
Your report will be treated confidentially. Confidentiality serves to protect the whistleblower as well as the person suspected of misconduct.
The ombudsperson shall maintain contact with the faculty liaison officers, the Review Board for Scientific Misconduct and the other advisory bodies of TU Dresden. Conflict cases that are not related to scientific misconduct can be forwarded confidentially to the responsible TU Dresden offices (e.g. Personnel Representation Council, the Graduate Academy’s Conflict Mediator, Personnel Representation Office) with the consent of the informant.
If, in the view of the ombudsperson, there is reasonable suspicion of scientific misconduct, the case will be reviewed by the Investigative Committee. If the suspected misconduct relates to academic examinations (e.g. Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom examinations) or dissertations (doctorates, Habilitations), the regular Examination Board stipulated in the applicable examination and graduation regulations will review the case.

NameProf. Dr. Alexander Kemnitz
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Deputy Ombudsperson
NameProf. Dr. med. Mike O. Karl
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Office Ombudsperson
NameDr. rer. pol. Mathias Mo-Kuhnt
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Office for Good Scientific Practice
In cases of suspected scientific misconduct, the Office for Good Scientific Practice supports the ombudsperson, the Investigative Committee, and the regular review boards.
The Office for Good Scientific Practice accepts reports of suspected misconduct confidentially and provides information on possible procedural steps. This shall not affect the right of direct recourse to the ombudsperson or the Investigative Committee.
In cases of suspected scientific misconduct, the Office for Good Scientific Practice offers to review final theses (e.g. Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom examinations) or dissertations (doctorates, Habilitations) for plagiarism using plagiarism detection software.

Advisor Compliance
NameSigrid Flade
Office for Good Scientific Practice and Export control
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Certificate of DFN-PKI for encrypted email communication.
Liaison Officer for Early-Career Researchers
Each faculty appoints one male and one female scientist as a liaison officer for early-career researchers.
These are the first contact persons for early-career researchers at the faculty level. These liaison officers serve as contacts who can be easily approached by early-career researchers (especially doctoral candidates) and who can mediate in problematic situations.
If necessary, and only with the consent of the person seeking advice, they can pass the case of conflict on to the ombudsperson. This does not affect the right of direct recourse to the ombudsperson. The Review Board for Scientific Misconduct is then informed of the conflict case. Contact information for the liaison officers of the faculties (PDF) (in German)