Feb 04, 2019
Start the year 2019 with futureSAX
The Saxon Transfer Prize honours ground-breaking knowledge and technology transfer projects. The focus is on the design and effectiveness of the transfer process – from research into the company. The criteria are the following: convincing network effects, organisation, structure and market relevance. Winners, who have made a significant contribution to transfer, can act as know-how providers or intermediaries. These can be research institutions, technology and start-up centres or technology scouts.
Who can take part in the competition for the 2019 Saxon Transfer Prize? Companies based in Saxony may propose persons from universities and non-university research institutions who have acted as knowledge and technology providers. Please note that the transfer process should date back no longer than three years.
Saxon Innovation Prize: For the 20th time already, the Free State of Saxony will award the Saxon Innovation Prize. The award honours Saxon companies whose outstanding innovations have been successfully established on the market over the past three years.
For the first time, the Free State of Saxony is awarding the Saxon Founders Prize, which, after 19 years, has emerged from the futureSAX ideas competition.
Please note that 10th March 2019 is the closing date for applications or proposals for all three competitions.
For further information on the competition conditions, please refer to futureSAX.
By the way: Dr. Frank Schladitz (TU Dresden, Carbon Concrete Composites e.V.) and the TUD start-up wattron GmbH were among the winners in the 2017 competition. In the 2018 ideas competition, the TUD founder teams of Infrasolid GmbH and denovoMatrix were successful. You could be one of next year’s winners!
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