Occupational health suitability test
A distinction must be made between occupational health precautions and occupational health suitability tests that are subject to labor law regulations (e.g. service agreements) or separate statutory regulations (e.g. radiation protection and X-ray regulations). These serve to protect your health and the health of others in the case of special work-related dangers.
We are subject to medical confidentiality!
For employees of TU Dresden, whose work involves the risk of falling and/or driving, control and monitoring, occupational health suitability tests in accordance with the service agreement are mandatory both before (as recruitment examinations) and after taking up work. The certification of having undergone the occupational health examination is therefore a prerequisite for performing the work.
The occupation groups affected can be found in Appendix 1 (pursuant to § 3 para. 1 of the service agreement).
The Radiation Safety Regulations (§§60-64) and the X-Ray Regulations (§§37-41) stipulate that occupational health precautions be taken by authorized doctors to protect the health of those exposed to radiation at work. These are divided into two categories:
Category A:
Those exposed to radiation at work, which can theoretically lead to an “effective dose” of more than 6 mSv in a calendar year (control area); in addition, there are regulations for “organ doses.”
Category B:
Those exposed to radiation at work, which can theoretically lead to an “effective dose” of between 1 mSv and 6 mSv in a calendar year (monitoring area); in addition, there are regulations for so-called “organ doses”.
This classification is carried out by the Radiation Safety Officer!
A person in category A who is exposed to radiation at work may only work in the control area if they have been examined by a specially authorized doctor within one year prior to commencing work and the Radiation Safety Officer has received a certificate issued by this doctor stating that there are no health concerns regarding this work.
A person belonging to category B who is exposed to radiation at work is not legally obliged to undergo an examination unless otherwise specified by the authorities.
Ms. Mäser from Radiation Safety, HA 32475, is in charge of appointments. Occupational Health Services (Dr. Friedmann-Ketzmerick) are responsible for carrying out the examination.
The submission of the completed data entry form 0.5b and/or the form for occupational health suitability tests is now a prerequisite for appointment allocation (particularly important: your email address + telephone number; signature + stamp from your supervisor as well as your signature):
- Occupational health suitability test form (attachment 2 of SA) - German Version
for specific job categories (attachment 1 of German service agreement), e.g. driving, job involving controlling and monitoring, job involving danger of falling or which takes place in a testing area (cat. A) according to the Radiation Regulations/X-Ray Regulations (StrlSchV/RöV) (only when hired) or occupational health suitability test for a specific occasion - Occupational health suitability test form - English Version
Please submit the form/s by email to () or by post. We will then contact you regarding an appointment.