Oct 15, 2022
ESF - PhD Scholarship Program
Call for applications now ONLINE!
At short notice, a new call for applications for the ESF – PhD Scholarship Program was announced by the SMWK: The application deadline is already on November 20th, 2022 for a funding start from July 2023!
The aim of the ESF – PhD Scholarship Program is to exploit the individual educational potential of academic specialists, especially women, by expanding their skills with regard to a stable, green, sustainable and digital economy in the Free State of Saxony. Academic professionals are to gain improved career perspectives into Saxon’s science and industry through the qualification of a doctorate.
The funding modalities at a glance:
- Eligible projects: Federal innovation doctorates, Industry-sponsored doctorates, Doctorates improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family, Combination of industry-sponsored doctorate and doctorate improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family
- Type & scope: PhD scholarships up to a duration of 4 years
- Extent: basic scholarship of EUR 1,700.00 and, if applicable, a monthly child supplement of 100.00 EUR per child
- Start: earliest start of funding: July 1st, 2023 | latest start of funding: October 1st, 2023
All information about the application modalities and the respective application documents as downloads are available on our Program-Website of the ESF – PhD Scholarship Program.
Make an individual appointment for advice on questions and interest related to the application process at .
We looking forward to your enquiry!

Funding and Scholarship Advisor
NameMs Vivien Lippmann M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitors Address:
Graduiertenakademie Mommsenstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Please note our open online consultation hour every Wednesday (2 - 3 pm) or arrange a consultation appointment via e-mail