May 29, 2024
Apply for funding now! Equal Opportunities and Diversity Incentive Fund
To mark the 12th Diversity Day, which this year runs under the motto "#VoteforDiversity", Diversity Management is opening the application window for the Equality and Diversity Incentive Fund.
TU Dresden joined the "Diversity Charter" back in 2019. Diversity is of paramount importance to TU Dresden, as a wide range of people with different experiences and backgrounds study and work at the university. TU Dresden actively promotes an open university culture that is characterized by the participation of all and is based on mutual respect, recognition and appreciation. The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Incentive Fund is intended to enable equal opportunities and the best possible use of individual potential for all university members.
- Both new and already successfully running projects and measures that sustainably strengthen diversity at TU Dresden can be funded.
- Funds totaling €50,000 are available for this purpose from the Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State governments.
- Please note that the approved projects and measures must be implemented in 2025 .
Further information and the application documents can be found on the project page.
Take advantage of this opportunity and submit your projects and measures by September 13 to further promote diversity and equal opportunities at TU Dresden!

Unit 9.3 Diversity Management
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Günther-Landgraf-Bau, 7-208 Mommsenstr. 15
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Directorate 9 University culture
Unit 9.3 Diversity Management
Mommsenstr. 15
01062 Dresden