Aug 23, 2024
Prof. Andreas appointed to the Historical Commission of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig
In July, Andreas Rutz, Chair of History of Saxony at TU Dresden, was appointed to the Historical Commission by the President of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig.
The Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities stands in the tradition of Leibniz's idea of combining theory and practice. Its more than 200 members are academics from a wide range of departments who meet regularly to exchange views and advance basic and specialist research. The appointment as a member of the Historical Commission is a special honour for Andreas Rutz and his services to research into Saxony's regional history, which he gladly accepts:
"I was delighted that the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities appointed me to its renowned Historical Commission, giving me the opportunity to support the Academy's work. The Historical Commission has been conducting basic research into Saxon regional history since 1896 and is therefore an important partner of my Chair of Saxon Regional History at TU Dresden and the Institute of History and Folklore of Saxony (ISGV), which I head as Director."
In addition to his Chair of History of Saxony and his position as Director of the ISGV, Andreas Rutz is also co-founder of the German Archive of Culinary Studies. Most recently, he co-edited the special volume "Kurfürst Johann Georg I. und der Dreißigjährige Krieg in Sachsen" published by Sandstein Verlag (2024).