May 27, 2021
New publication at ZfI: Dossier BILDUNG – FÜR ALLE?!

Bildung - für alle?! Ein Dossier
BILDUNG – FÜR ALLE?! Kritische Impulse für eine inklusive Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Ein Dossier
The dossier "Bildung - für alle?! Kritische Impulse für eine inklusive Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Ein Dossier" is published with results from the interdisciplinary lecture series "Inklusive Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft - Handelnde Teilhabe für alle, aber wie?!" (summer semester 2019).
The dossier brings together contributions from academics and experts who share their questions, experiences, critical impulses and visions for an inclusive school in a migration society. The contributions are linked to a series of events within the framework of the project "Migration-Flucht-Bildung. Bildungsorte einer sich öffnenden Stadt" of the LAG pokuBi Sachsen e.V., in which spaces were found for this knowledge in Dresden and opportunities for exchange were created. In addition to 21 contributions by 27 authors, the dossier contains some orienting explanations of terms and concepts as well as practical suggestions for different thematic fields of school and educational practice.
The publication is intended as an invitation to continue discussions that have already begun and to offer suggestions for processes of learning, reflection and change, even in isolation from the series of events in the summer semester 20219. The dossier was realised in cooperation with the Centre for Integration Studies at the TU Dresden and with the support of many cooperation partners. The online publication will soon be supplemented by a print version.
Further information can be found under this link.
Download the publication at: