Dec 02, 2024
FILM EVENT: How are other food systems possible?
Are you interested in sustainable nutrition? Do you know the connections between our food consumption and soy production in Brazil? How do you see the connections between the global and local food markets? What concrete ideas can we publicize and disseminate to promote sustainable nutrition in Saxony? These and other questions will be discussed in a cozy room of the Umweltzentrum Dresden e.V., to which the Chair of Nutrition and Home Economics and the Didactics of the Professional Field cordially invites all interested parties.
The short film "Soy - The Curse of the Golden Bean" (2006, 15 min) will be followed by a panel discussion in which various stakeholders will share their knowledge and ideas on sustainable food systems. The content of the film will also be updated by Prof. Andrioli from Brazil. Co-organizers are the LFD - Fachstelle für Medien und Bildung e.V. and the Ernährungsrat Dresden und Region.
When: 18.12.2024 | 17:00 - 19:00 hrs
Place: Room Alte Bibo, Umweltzentrum Dresden e.V. (Schützengasse 16-18, Dresden)
Language: German
Film: Soy - The curse of the golden bean (2006, 15 min)
Panel guests:
Prof. Dr. Antonio Andrioli (UFFS, Brazil) Online
Juliane Dziumla (UNU Flores)
Thomas Schindhelm (Umweltzentrum e.V., Project "Regional Financing Models")
Dr. Veruska Prado (TU Dresden)
Moderation: Claudia Petersen (Food Council Dresden and Region)
Registration: here
Organizer: Chair of Nutrition and Home Economics / Vocational Didactics
Co-organizer: LFD - Fachstelle für Medien und Bildung e.V. and the Ernährungsrat Dresden und Region
The second event will take place on 14.01.2025. The topic will be 'Food Production - Innovations, Contestations and New Global Players'. Further information will follow shortly.