Sep 02, 2024
New publication of the working group
The article "Überlegungen zu einer Didaktik des Berufsfeldes Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft" by Christiane Klatt and Prof. Jana Markert was published in the e-book "Didaktiken der Beruflichen Fachrichtungen".
This article states that it is not possible to develop a standardized didactic approach for
the professional field of nutrition and home economics. It is argued that a specific (vocational) didactic approach can only be developed for a vocational area for which uniform or sufficiently similar objectives, content, and methods can be formulated. The
professions in the occupational field of nutrition and home economics contain such
different focal points, associated knowledge and corresponding requirements that no
standardized basic concept for the formulation of objectives, content and methods can
be named for them as a whole. For this reason, it is not possible to develop an overall
didactic approach for the occupational field of nutrition and home economics. In future,
it will be necessary to adequately address and didactically develop the different
basic concepts that exist in the vocational work of the regarded professional field.