Hagen Schönrich

Dr. Hagen Schönrich
Scientific coordinator
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Research Project and Research Training Group: Technical College of Dresden under National Socialism
Research Project and Research Training Group: Technical College of Dresden under National Socialism
Visiting address:
Falkenbrunnen (FAL), Raum 274 Chemnitzer Str. 48b
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institut für Geschichte, Geschäftsstelle des Forschungsprojekts „Die TH Dresden im Nationalsozialismus“
01062 Dresden
Profile at Academia.edu, on LinkedIn and in the TU Dresden research portal
Table of contents
Curriculum Vitae
- since November 2022 Scientific Coordinator of the research project "The Technische Hochschule Dresden under National Socialism"
- 2022 to 2024 Research Associate at the Chair of History of Technology and Economy at TU Dresden
- 2020 to 2022 Scientific Volunteer at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) with the museum stations Kunstgewerbemuseum, Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon and Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst
- 2019 Submission and defense of the dissertation with the title: Mediale Erscheinung Bildschirmtext. Die Deutsche Bundespost und der Plan eines dialogfähigen Massendienstes (Interactive videotex as a media phenomenon. The German Federal Post Office and the plan for a dialog-capable mass service) (overall result: summa cum laude)
- 2016 to 2020 Web administrator and OPAL manager of the Institute of History at TU Dresden
- 2015 to 2020 Research Associate at the Chair of History of Technology and Science of Technology at TU Dresden
- 2015 to 2016 Academic Advisor and AQUA representative for the Bachelor's degree in History
- 2013 to 2015 Research Associate with an increased teaching load at the Institute of History at TU Dresden
- 2013 to 2014 Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Center 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense", sub-project M "The promise of progress of technology and the engineers' assertion of altruism in technocratic high modernity"
- 2012 to 2013 Honorary assistant in the special collection on the history of technology at the SLUB Dresden
- 2010 to 2012 Student Assistant in the Collaborative Research Center 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense" and tutor at the Chair of History of Technology and Science of Technology at TU Dresden
- 2009 to 2013 Master's degree programme in History at the TU Dresden, 2013 Master of Arts (M.A.) with the thesis: Schlüsseltechnologien vorgestellt. Die DDR-Reportagereihe „Wettlauf mit der Zeit“ (Key technologies presented. The GDR reportage series "Race against time")
- 2006 to 2009 Studied History, Art History and Political Science at TU Dresden, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree with the thesis: Eine Historiographie der Wissenschaftsgeschichte zum Nationalsozialismus. Die nationalsozialistische Forschungs- und Wissenschaftspolitik in der bundesdeutschen Geschichtsschreibung (A historiography of the history of science under National Socialism. National Socialist research and science policy in the historiography of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Member of the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG), the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Post- und Telekommunikationsgeschichte (DGPT) and the Gesellschaft für Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte (GUW), 2013 to 2017 student representative on the board of the GTG
- (with Matthias Röhr) Neither Broadcasting Nor Press. The Introduction of Bildschirmtext in the Context of Media Policy Debates of the 1970s and 1980s. In: Technikgeschichte 89 (2022), H. 2, pp. 123-148. Nomos eLibrary
- Der Schlüssel zum Leben. 500 Jahre mechanische Figurenautomaten. Exhib. cat. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) 2022, ed. by Peter Plaßmeyer, Hagen Schönrich and Igor Jenzen. Dresden 2022. publisher's page
- Mit der Post in die Zukunft. Der Bildschirmtext in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1977 bis 2001 (Geschichte der technischen Kultur, Band 12). abstract publisher's page
Reviews in: Technology and Culture 63 (2022), H. 4, p. 1211f.; DAS ARCHIV Arbeit / Technik / Kommunikation (2022), H. 4, p. 68; Central European History 56 (2023), H. 2, p. 350-353, Technikgeschichte 90 (2023), H. 3, p. 271f., MEDIENwissenschaft 40 (2023), H. 2, S. 229–236 - (with Uwe Fraunholz) Ein Bauingenieur in militärischen Diensten: Willy Gehler im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg. In: Manfred Curbach, Oliver Steinbock u. Thomas Hänseroth (Hg.): Willy Gehler – Versuch einer Einordnung. Tagungsband zum Workshop in Dresden am 11. April 2017. Dresden 2018, pp. 78-92. full text
- (with Uwe Fraunholz, Oliver Steinbock, Clemens Milker and Philipp Pfennig) Willy Gehler. Karrieren eines deutschen Bauingenieurs. Dresden 2017. full text via Qucosa
- Wir können uns das Tempo nicht aussuchen“. Die DDR-Reportagereihe „Wettlauf mit der Zeit“ (1986–1989). In: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 13 (2016), H. 1, p. 179-186. Online edition and print version as PDF
- (with Uwe Fraunholz) Wahnhaftes Erfinden. Die technischen Visionen des Karl Hans Janke. Dresden 2014. full text via Qucosa
Reviews, conference reports and smaller articles
- (with Christine Ludl): Die TU Dresden erforscht ihre Geschichte, in: culTUre - Streifzüge durch die Universitätskultur, 19.4.2023. Online and secondary publication on
Saxorum. Blog for interdisciplinary regional studies in Saxony, 25.4.2023
- Review of: Julia Gül Erdogan, Avantgarde der Computernutzung. Hackerkulturen der Bundesrepublik und der DDR, in: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 110 (2023), H. 1, p. 99f. biblioscout.net
- Der Schlüssel zum Leben. 500 Jahre mechanische Figurenautomaten. In: Dresdener Kunstblätter (2022), H. 3, p. 66f. Publisher's page
- Musikautomat „Marble Machine“. In: Der Schlüssel zum Leben. 500 Jahre mechanische Figurenautomaten. Ausst.-Kat. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 2022, hrsg. von Peter Plaßmeyer, Hagen Schönrich u. Igor Jenzen. Dresden 2022, p. 106.
- Das ARPANET als kybernetisches System. Rezension zu: Martin Schmitt, Internet im Kalten Krieg. In: Neue Politische Literatur 63 (2018), H. 2, pp. 327-329. recensio.net
- Dissertationsvorhaben: Diskurse digitaler Vernetzung am Beispiel des Bildschirmtextes, 1977–2001. In: Rundfunk und Geschichte 43 (2017), H. 1/2, p. 64f. Homepage of the journal with additional abstract in English
- Review of: Carroll Pursell, From Playgrounds to PlayStation. In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 103 (2016), H. 3, p. 354f. recensio.net
- Der Einsatz von Dum-Dum-Geschossen / The Use of Dum-Dum-Projectiles. In: Technology & Science in the First World War – Der Soldat an der Westfront / The Soldier at the Western Front, 2015. german / english
- (with Uwe Fraunholz, Christopher Georgi, Sophie Richter and Felix Ruppricht) Technology & Science in the First World War – Der Soldat an der Westfront / The Soldier at the Western Front, 2015. german / english
- Conference report: Werkstattgespräch Lehre in der Technik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. 05.03.2015-06.03.2015, Berlin. In: H-Soz-Kult, 19.05.2015. H-Soz-Kult
- Review of: Matthew Wisnioski, Engineers for Change. In: Technikgeschichte 81 (2014), H. 4, p. 392f. Nomos eLibrary
- Conference report: Die Sinnlichkeit der Technik – The Senses & Technology. 10.05.2013-12.05.2013, Dresden. In: AHF-Information 2013, Nr. 93 und H-Soz-u-Kult, 12.07.2013. H-Soz-Kult
- Conference report: Riskante Technologien. Wahrnehmung und Regulierung in der Hochmoderne. 14.11.2012-15.11.2012, Dresden. In: H-Soz-u-Kult, 18.01.2013. H-Soz-Kult
- Conference Report: Weltgestalter und Welterklärer. Experten in der technischen Moderne. 29.03.2012-31.03.2012, Dresden. In: H-Soz-u-Kult, 08.05.2012. H-Soz-Kult
- Flaschner (seit 1812 Flaschner v. Ruhberg), Gotthelf Benjamin. In: Sächsische Biografie, 21.03.2011. Online edition
- Curator of the special exhibition "Der Schlüssel zum Leben. 500 Jahre mechanische Figurenautomaten" (together with Peter Plaßmeyer and Igor Jenzen), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections), Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, June to Sept. 2022. Official video Further information and virtual exhibition visit on the SKD homepage
- Co-curator of the permanent exhibition "Design around 1800" in the Imperial Rooms of Pillnitz Palace, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections), Kunstgewerbemuseum, since May 2022, curator: Christiane Ernek-van der Goes. Collaboration on exhibition texts, creation of the multimedia guide and content support for the media stations
Historical consulting for the special exhibition "German Design 1949-1989. Two countries, one history", curators: Erika Pinner and Klára Němečková, Vitra Design Museum, March to September 2021 and Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Oct. 2021 to Feb. 2022. Collaboration on the exhibition catalog Further information and videos on the SKD homepage Exhibition catalog in the Vitra Design Museums Shop Exhibition page at the Vitra Design Museum
Curator of the student exhibition "Willy Gehler. Careers of a German Civil Engineer" (together with Uwe Fraunholz, Oliver Steinbock, Clemens Milker and Philipp Pfennig), SLUB Dresden, DrePunct, April 2017 to March 2018. Blog of the SLUB Dresden
Curator of the student exhibition "Wahnhaftes Erfinden. The Technical Visions of Karl Hans Janke" (together with Uwe Fraunholz), SLUB Dresden, DrePunct, Nov. 2014 to Oct. 2015. SLUB Dresden
Lectures and guided tours (current selection)
- Campus stories: Journey of discovery on Mommsenstraße. Campus tour together with Christoph Sauer as part of TU Dresden's Diversity Days 2024, Nov. 8, 2024. To the event
- Campus tour for the Open Monument Day under the annual motto "Wahr-Zeichen. Contemporary witnesses of history", September 8, 2024. program booklet of the city of Dresden
Campus tour as an onboarding event for the second funding phase of the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, July 11, 2024.
- Student book burning on May 10, 1933 in Dresden. The event and remembrance. Lecture and discussion on the 91st anniversary of the book burning at the student club HängeMathe, organized by the anti-fascist initiative Löbtau and the StuRa department WHAT, 10 May 2024. Further information on the homepage of the Club HängeMathe
- Science policy during the National Socialist era. An overview using the example of the Technische Hochschule Dresden. Lecture and subsequent campus tour as part of the reading from the diaries of Victor Klemperer, read by Renatus Deckert, organized by the School Contact Office of TU Dresden for school classes in grades 9 to 12, in the Klemperer Hall of the SLUB Dresden, 27 and 28 Feb. 2024.
- Critical campus tour on the 90th anniversary of the book burning, May 13, 2023. press release
Courses and Lectures
- Science and Technology under National Socialism (proseminar in the winter semester 2023/2024)
- The silent salesmen: Coin-operated machines and consumption (proseminar/seminar in summer semester 2023)
- Chronos rules the world. Time in the modern age (proseminar/seminar in the winter semester 2022/2023)
- Dresden buildings of high modernism (exercise in summer semester 2020)
- Topics and concepts of the history of technology (introductory proseminar together with Anke Woschech in the winter semester 2019/2020)
- Receipt of the Saxon University Didactics Certificate in December 2018 (awarded by the Saxon University Didactics Center)
- Digital history of Germany (proseminar in the winter semester 2018/2019)
- From the Gauss to the Polarstern: German Antarctic expeditions in the 20th century (reading course in summer semester 2018)
- Technology, play and sport in the modern age (introductory proseminar together with Lucas Böhme in winter semester 2017/2018)
- The civil engineer Willy Gehler - practical seminar on the conception of an exhibition (exercise together with Uwe Fraunholz in the winter semester 2016/2017)
- The wiring of the world. History of telecommunications technologies up to the outbreak of the First World War (introductory proseminar in the winter semester 2015/2016)
- The Cold War (introductory proseminar in the summer semester 2015)
- Cold War on the cinder track (exercise in the summer semester 2015)
- The GDR in the Honecker era (proseminar in the winter semester 2014/2015)
- The Olympic Games of the modern era (exercise in winter semester 2014/2015)
- World War One digital - Science and Technology in World War One (practical seminar together with Uwe Fraunholz in the winter semester 2014/2015)
- The GDR in the Ulbricht era (proseminar in the summer semester 2014)
- Historical gaming. History of and in computer games (exercise in summer semester 2014)
- "Delusional invention": The technical visions of Karl Hans Janke (practical seminar together with Uwe Fraunholz in the summer semester 2014)
- Digital revolution(s)? A History of the Internet (exercise in the winter semester 2013/2014)
- Turn! Turn! Turn! The "culture turns" in the historical sciences (reading course in the winter semester 2013/2014)