May 13, 2024
Exhibition: "Reise(un)freiheit – Werke von Annemirl Bauer" [(un)freedom of travelling- art pieces by Annemirl Bauer]
![Gemälde "Der nackte Kaiser" von Annemirl Bauer](
Annemirl Bauer, Der nackte Kaiser, 1980er Jahre, 70 x 50 cm. tempera on baking paper, exhibition catalogue: "In meinem eigenen Lande. Die Malerin und Dissidentin Annemirl Bauer"
Reise(un)freiheit – Werke von Annemirl Bauer
Kabinett der Galerie der Kustodie im Görges-Bau
May 31 to October 7, 2024
Exhibition opening: May 30, 2024, 19:00
Galerie der Kustodie der TU Dresden im Görges-Bau (Helmholtzstraße 9
01069 Dresden)
"What do walls and distances matter to the mind!" wrote the artist Annemirl Bauer (1939-1989) from the GDR in a letter the to her aunt in West Germany in the mid-1980s. She considered traveling to be essential for gathering impressions of life in other countries, to sharpen her political world view and to develop her artistic work in an informed manner. Since the 1950s, her travels have taken her, among other places, to France, Bulgaria, Spain and the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic, Slovakia and part of Ukraine)
Bauer traveled whenever she could and fought for this right. She countered the SED's restrictive border policy, which she described as the "violent confinement of an entire nation", with public protest. In a so-called petition in 1984, she demanded general freedom of travel for all GDR citizens, whereupon she was sanctioned with a professional ban and repression by the state security. The restrictions on her freedom of travel and the feeling of being imprisoned behind walls, fences and bars in the GDR are present as a subject in numerous of Bauers works. Travel as a subject itself is likewise a central topic in her art. In collages, paintings and drawings she not only processed the fascinating colorfulness and lightness of her travel experiences, but also the intellectual stimulation and the intensity of self-assurance. Her self-portraits while traveling, for example, bear witness to these experiences. With these and other depictions of women she met along the way, Annemirl Bauer reflected on gender roles in society and criticized patriarchal power structures - a recurring theme in her art.
The exhibition shows a selection of works from the artist's extensive estate. Compiled as part of the research project "Affective Archives - Journeys abroad by artists during the GDR era" at the Technical University of Dresden (Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schankweiler, Jule Lagoda and Nora Kaschuba; sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation), in cooperation with the Kustodie der TU Dresden (Gwendolin Kremer and Andreas Kempe) and Amrei Bauer (Annemirl Bauer Haus und Archiv/Niederwerbig).