Media coverage
Tanja-Bianca Schmidt, curator of the exhibition “Dangerous Border”, was a guest at the radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur on June 6. In conversation with Massimo Maio she talked about images of European borders, theirs aesthetics and functionalities. Here is a link to the (German) feature.
On May 25, 2024, Verena Straub was a guest at the radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur. She talked about the memes that were posted on Social Media in reaction to the death of Iranian president Raisi. Listen to the (German) interview here.
The online blog ‘sprich!’ has published a text on the role of memes in political communication that is well worth reading. Alongside other meme experts, Verena Straub was also interviewed. If you want to take a ‘look into our memetic debate culture’, here is the link to the text by David Denne.
September 18, 2023
Moving Interview with our colleague Tomasz Kitlinski.
Tomasz (Tomek) Kitlinski on his work at the project and newly formed friendships.
January 27, 2023
Verena Straub in an interview with Ekaterina Bodyagina for SZ Jetzt and the Russian newspaper Holod.
Мемы — это тоже оружие войны. У кого они получаются лучше? И как распознать пропагандистский мем?
Verena Straub in an interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur (in German).
Wie Memes im Ukraine-Krieg politisch werden. (How memes become political in the Ukraine war.)
Verena Straub in an interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur (in German).
Protest und Propaganda im Netz - der Feldzug der Memes. (Protest and propaganda on the net - the campaign of memes.)
Verena Straub invited to the podcast "Behind Your Meme" Folge 4:
#DistractinglySexy - Memes und Sexismus
Verena Straub invited to the podcast "Behind Your Meme" Folge 1:
Zwischen Trump und Karens - Memes und politische Beteiligung
Interview by Anna Biselli from with Kerstin Schankweiler and Verena Straub: "Every Meme can be politizied" (German only).
„Jedes Meme kann politisiert werden“
Radio Interview at RBB with Kerstin Schankweiler on the role of images in protests on social media (German only):
Die Rolle von Bildern bei Protesten in Sozialen Medien
Podcast episode from the "Affect and Colonialism Web Lab" with Verena Straub by Jonas Bens: