PD Dr. Anne-Laure Garcia

Inhaberin der Vertretungsprofessur für Mikrosoziologie
NameMs PD Dr. Anne-Laure Garcia
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Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Falkenbrunnen, FAL 220 Chemnitzer Straße 46a
01187 Dresden
Office hours:
Mittwoch, 13.30 bis 14.30 Uhr (Bitte melden Sie sich über Opal für einen Termin an: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/37231755265?3)
Notes on the preparation of seminar papers and essays
A guide for writing academic papers (german only) by the Institute can be found here.
PD Dr. Anne-Laure Garcia received her doctorate in sociology (summa cum laude) in Paris and Potsdam in 2011. In September 2020, she published her habilitation thesis "Zwischen Wandel und Permanenz. Symbolische Tiefenstrukturen in Erzählungen männlicher Ärzte" at the TU Dresden. In December 2021 she was awarded the Venia legendi in Sociology. She has been a private lecturer since May 2022.
Between 2009 and 2015, Anne-Laure Garcia was a Research Associate at the Potsdam Chairs of "Sociology of Gender Relations" (2009-2012) and "Theory of Schooling" (2012-2015). Since October 2015, she has been researching and teaching at the Chair of Micro-Sociology at TU Dresden. From April 2021 until probably September 2025 she is the deputy chair.
Her current focus is on the sociology of motherhood, the sociology of masculinity, the sociology of work and professions (in particular teachers and doctors) and the method of structural analysis (analyse structurale) of interviews and advertising images.