Oct 26, 2021
#23 No ice cream without questions
Our idea: ice cream as an indicator of political education ;)
It's a universal lure: ice cream!
Our idea: A wide variety of people come together at an ice cream booth, an ice cream van pulls people onto the street and collects them from the surrounding area.
Ice cream can be a reward or perhaps a means of payment.
1. classic conditioning: A soft ice cream machine is located in a public space, there is only a start button and no money is inserted. Here we go: "Name the last 5 federal presidents!" / "What is the name of the current Prime Minister?" Only those who know the correct answers get an ice cream or the ice cream gets bigger with every correct answer.
2. the naturalization ice cream test! Only those who pass will receive a soft ice cream in German colors. Everyone receives a conversation starter in the form of a participant certificate, which is printed on site as an individualized card.
3. a moving ice cream van as a moderated location where either conversations are held over ice cream or ice cream is a reward for participation.