Feb 15, 2022
#31 Who to follow? - Your neighbors on Insta
Your neighbors on Insta
The algorithms of social media and major platforms serve and attract our interests, suggesting and suggesting content, products, people or initiatives that are likely to appeal to and please us based on our previous usage behavior. Unfortunately, our attention is rarely directed towards new things that do not match our own consumption or friends. Welcome to the bubble!
Our idea today is called "Who to follow?" and introduces people you can and may follow. They come from your topographical neighborhood, your district, your village and have a special interest or are committed to something very specific.
You will meet them on posters at bus stops, in the waiting room of the local doctor or at the hairdresser's and they invite you to follow them and discover new things with them. A QR code or an internet link will take you directly to their social media presence where you can find out more about them.
Of course, the people, groups or initiatives know about their visibility on "Who to follow?" and can be contacted by you in the digital and analogue space. They are real people who live in the immediate vicinity of their posters and want to give you an insight into their commitment, interests, positions and opinions.