Lebenslauf Dr. Daniel James
04/2020-present Assistant Professor, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
(= Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Institute of Philosophy, Chair for Philosophy of Mind and Cognition (Prof. Gottfried Vosgerau)
04/2017–09/2018 Assistant Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen
(= Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Institute of Philosophy, Chair for Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Thomas Spitzley)
04/2016–03/2017 Assistant Professor, University of Erlangen
(= Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Institute of Philosophy, Chair for Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Barbara Vetter)
10/2009–03/2015 Assistant Professor, Humboldt University of Berlin
(= Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) (50%), Institute of Philosophy, Chair for Social Philosophy (Prof. Rahel Jaeggi)
10/2009–03/2017 PhD, Philosophy, University of Konstanz
Dissertation: “Die Wirklichkeit der Freiheit. Eine Interpretation von Hegels Theorie der Sittlichkeit” (“In the realm of freedom. Hegel’s theory of autonomous reason”), magna cum laude (1,0); committee: Dina Emundts (supervisor), Rolf-Peter Horstmann
10/2001–09/2009 BA/MA, Philosophy, Humbolt-University of Berlin
Minor: Musicology. MA Thesis: “Holismus und praktische Vernunft: Hegels Moralitätskritik im Lichte seiner Urteils- und Schlusstheorie” (“Holism and practical reason: Hegel’s critique of morality in light of his theory of judgement and syllogism”), with distinction; committee: Rolf-Peter Horstmann (supervisor), Axel Honneth
“Are ‘Race’ and ‘Rasse’ the Same?” (with Leda Berio & Benedict Kenyah-Damptey), Society for Social Studies of Science , Toronto, October 2021
“Power as a Social Ability: Towards a Philosophical Explication”, Conference Social Ontology 2018, Boston/MA, August 2018
“Power as a Social Ability: A Contextualist View” (with Romy Jaster), European Conference of Analytic Philosophy 2017, Munich, August 2017
“Moral Autonomy and Social Holism in Hegel”, XXII. German Congress for Philosophy, Munich, September 2011
“Immanent Critique and the Teleological Account of Social of Social Institutions”, International Graduate Conference Emerging Forms of Sociality, Frankfurt a.M., Oktober 2010
“Social Freedom and the Enabling Capacity of Social Institutions”,
Conference Collective Intentionality VII, Basel, August 2010
INVITED TALKS (selected)
“Racism, Colonialism, and the Undead in Hegel: The Case of Slavery.”, Workshop Junge Philosophie, Oldenburg, July 2021
“What is the Point of the Marxist Conception of Class?” Workshop Race, Class, and Gender, Munich, January 2020
“Hegel on Judgement, Identity, and Objectivity”, Workshop Method, Metaphysics, and Hegel’s Science of Logic, Berlin, June 2019
“Speaking of Power: Power Ascriptions and Ideological Disagreement”, Workshop New Work in Socially Engaged Philosophy, Cambridge, June 2018
“Idealisation in Non-Ideal Theory: The ’Racial Contract’ as a Model of White Supremacy”, Workshop Ignorance and (Non)-Ideal Theory (with Charles Mills), Berlin, September 2017
“Power as a Social Ability: Towards a Philosophical Explication”, Workshop Social Metaphysics, Barcelona, September 2017
“Disguised Slavery: Marx‘ Dispositionalist Account of Capitalist Domination”, Workshop Exploring Dispositions: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Berlin, March 2016
“Toward a Philosophy and Sociology of Race: The Case of Black Solidarity” (with Vanessa Thompson), Political Theory as Race-Critical Theory: Challenging the Banality of Racism, Giessen, October 2015
“Is the Problem of Poverty Intrinsic to Civil Society?” Workshop Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Leuven, February 2014
“Nothing Personal: What (If Anything) is Structural Domination?”, Workshop Social Ontology Meets Critical Theory, Paris, April 2014
Special issue:
Racism and Colonialism in Hegel’s Philosophy (co-edited with Franz Knappik). Special Issue of the Hegel Bulletin, forthcoming
Edited Volumes:
2020. Social Functions: Metaphysical, Normative, and Methodological Perspectives, co-edited with Rebekka Hufendiek and Raphael van Riel
2021. Der Realität widerstehen: Aufsätze von Sally Haslanger, übersetzt von Thyra Elsasser, Philipp Hölzing und Daniel James, herausgegeben von Daniel James, mit einem Nachwort von Daniel James. Suhrkamp.
Other articles and book chapters, published or accepted for publication:
Forthcoming, “Are ‘Race’ and ‘Rasse’ the Same? A Comparative Corpus Analysis of Race Talk in the United States and Germany.” (co-authored with Leda Berio and Benedict Kenyah-Damptey), In Justin Sytsma, Joe Ulatowski & Dan Weijers (eds.), Experimental Philosophy and Corpus Methods (Advances in Experimental Philosophy), Bloomsbury.
Forthcoming, “Social Holism from Herder to Hegel.", In Stephanie Collins, Brian Epstein, Sally Haslanger &Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Social Ontology
Forthcoming, “Hegel and Social Metaphysics.” (co-authored with Franz Knappik), In James Conant & Jonas Held (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Analytic Philosophy 2020 ,“Social Organisms: Hegel’s Organisational View of Social Functions.”, In Social Functions: Metaphysical, Normative, and Methodological Perspectives, co-edited with Rebekka Hufendiek and Raphael van Riel
Forthcoming, “Exploring the Metaphysics of Hegel’s Racism: The Teleology of the ‘Concept’ and the Taxonomy of Races.”, Hegel Bulletin, Special Issue on Hegel and Teleology, edited by Edgar Maraguat and Jim Kreines
2020, “Social Functions in Philosophy: Introduction." In Social Functions: Metaphysical, Normative, and Methodological Perspectives, co-edited with Rebekka Hufendiek and Raphael van Riel
2014, Review of „Robert Stern, Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard“, in Hegel Bulletin, 35: 325-330
Under Review:
“Hegel on Judgement, Identity, and Objectivity”, European Journal of Philosophy, R&R, under review