Recommended introductions and journals
German didactic journals give you an insight into current didactic discourse and research studies and also often offer practical teaching materials with didactic explanations. Below you will find information on how to find the journals (in general) and which ones are particularly recommended.
To find journals available in the SLUB, you can generally use the ZDB catalog. Current issues of journals can be found in particular in the display of unbound journals in the Central Library and in the display of unbound journals in the Educational Sciences branch.
The FIS-Bildung database is recommended for researching didactic articles.
Recommended journals:
Praxis Deutsch
- Periodicals display of unbound journals: GA 7326, shelfmark: 19 4 04028; shelf: -1272, location in 3D;
- older issues of Praxis Deutsch can be found just a few meters away in the "bound journals": location in 3D.
The teaching of German. Contributions to its practice and scientific foundation.(,
German teaching practice for grades 5 to 10
ide. Information on German didactics
(, )
Didactics of German
(, partly also available digitally:
- Journals published exclusively in digital form:
- http://leserä - Leseräume. Journal for didactic research and reflection, in particular:
- http://leserä Issue 2 (2015): Eleven aspects of literary learning put to the test.
- - Reading Forum Switzerland. Literacy in research and practice.
- http://leserä - Leseräume. Journal for didactic research and reflection, in particular:
- theater pedagogical journals:
- Journal for Theater Pedagogy: Correspondences(,
- Schultheater. Perception / Design / Play(
Anders, Petra et al (2019): Introduction to film didactics. Cinema, television, video, internet. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Baurmann, Jürgen/Kammler, Clemens/Müller, Astrid (eds.) (2022): Handbuch Deutschunterricht. Theory and practice of teaching and learning. 3rd edition. Hanover: Klett Kallmeyer.
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael/Böttcher, Ingrid (2018): Developing and assessing writing skills. 8th edition. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor.
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael/Grabowski, Joachim (eds.) (2022): Schreibkompetenz in der Sekundarstufe: Theorie, Diagnose und Förderung. Münster, New York: Waxmann.
Behrens, Ulrike (2022): Oral skills in German lessons: speaking and listening as an educational task. Hanover: Klett|Kallmeyer.
Bertschi-Kaufmann, Andrea/Graber, Tanja (ed.) (2021): Reading competence - reading performance - reading promotion. Basics, models and materials. 8th edition. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag; Hanover: Klett|Kallmeyer.
Betzel, Dirk/Droll, Hansjörg (2020): Orthography. Writing structure and spelling didactics. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh (UTB Sprachwissenschaft Lehramt Deutsch, 5329).
Brand, Tilman von/Kilian, Jörg/Sosna, Anette/Riecke-Baulecke, Thomas (eds.) (2022): Basiswissen Lehrerbildung: Teaching German. - [1st edition]. Hanover: Klett, Kallmeyer.
Bredel, Ursula (2013): Language observation and grammar teaching. 2nd, ed. Edition. Paderborn et al: Schöningh.
Bredel, Ursula/Pieper, Irene (2021): Integrative German didactics. 2nd, updated edition. Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB 4101 Standardwissen Lehramt).
Budde, Monika/Riegler, Susanne/Wiprächtiger-Geppert, Maja (2012): Sprachdidaktik. 2nd, updated edition. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag (Akademie Studienbücher).
Fix, Martin (2008): Writing texts. Writing processes in the German classroom. 2nd edition. Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB 2809 Standardwissen Lehramt).
Frederking, Volker et al (eds.) (2010/2013/2014): Taschenbuch des Deutschunterrichts. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren. (3 volumes)
Frederking, Volker/Krommer, Axel/Maiwald, Klaus (2018): Media didactics German. An introduction. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Fundamentals of German Studies, 44).
Garbe, Christine/Holle, Karl/Jesch, Tatjana (2010): Reading texts. Reading competence - text comprehension - reading didactics - reading socialization. 2nd, ed. Edition. Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB 3110 Standartwissen Lehramt).
Goer, Charis/Köller, Katharina (2019): Subject didactics German. Fundamentals of language and literature didactics. 3rd, revised and updated edition. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink; Stuttgart: UTB GmbH (UTB 4171 Literaturwissenschaft elementar).
Granzow-Emden, Matthias (2019): Deutsche Grammatik verstehen und unterrichten - [ 3rd, revised and expanded edition]. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
Hochstadt, Christiane/Krafft, Andreas/Olsen, Ralph (2015): German didactics. Concepts for practice. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Tübingen: A. Francke Verlag (UTB 4023 Deutschdidaktik).
Kämper-van den Boogaart, Michael (ed.) (2019): Deutsch-Didaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II. 7th, revised new edition. Berlin: Cornelsen.
Kammerer, Ingo/Maiwald, Klaus (2021): Film didactics German. An introduction. Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag (ESVbasics, 65).
Kepser, Matthis/Abraham, Ulf (2016): Literature didactics German. An introduction. 4th, completely revised and expanded edition. Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag (ESV basics 42).
Kliewer, Heinz-Jürgen/Pohl, Inge (eds.) (2006/2012): Lexikon Deutschdidaktik. 2nd, unchanged edition. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Lange, Günter/ Weinhold, Swantje (eds.) (2010): Fundamentals of German didactics. Language didactics - media didactics - literature didactics. 4th edition. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Merz-Grötsch, Jasmin (2019): Learning to write texts. Basics, methods, teaching suggestions. 4th edition. Seelze: Kallmeyer/Klett.
Rosebrock, Cornelia/Nix, Daniel (2020): Fundamentals of reading didactics and the systematic promotion of reading in schools. 9th, updated new edition. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Rosebrock, Cornelia/Scherf, Daniel (2019): Reading didactics? Literary didactics? A dozen answers for beginners. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Steinig, Wolfgang/Huneke, Hans-Werner (2022): Sprachdidaktik Deutsch. An introduction. 6th, newly revised and significantly expanded edition. Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag (ESV basics 38).
Ulrich, Winfried (ed.) (2008-2017): Teaching German in theory and practice. DTP. Handbook on the didactics of German language and literature in eleven volumes. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. (all volumes)
Zabka, Thomas/Winkler, Iris/Wieser, Dorothee/Pieper, Irene (2022): Studienbuch Literaturunterricht: Unterrichtspraxis analysieren, reflektieren und gestalten - [1st edition]. Hanover: Klett|Kallmeyer.
Textbooks for German lessons are available in the Multimedia Language Learning Center (MSZ) Zelleschen Weg 22, Haus der Sprachen, room SE1-207. It is not possible to borrow books, but copies can be made on site.
Opening hours: Mon - Thu 9:00 - 19:30 and Fri 9:00 - 15:30.
If you have any questions about the media library stock, please contact: or 0351/463 31649.
Here you will find an overview of the German textbooks.