Table of contents
International conferences / lectures abroad
- The precariat as a para-society? - Intervention and innovation in contemporary crisis narratives
Conference: Para(llel)societies. Theory, typology, aesthetics, DFG network para-societies. Parallel and alternative social formations in contemporary literatures and cultures. Workshop II, 27.-29.05.19, Organizer: University of Vienna. - Une langue pour l'autre. Récits de migration
Colloque international: Politique européenne d'accueil. Éthique de la traduction, 7-9.12.17, Organizer: INALCO (Institute National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), Paris. - Avant-garde as a practice of the liminal
XXXV Romance Studies Conference: Dynamics, Encounters, Migration, University of Zurich, October 8-12, 2017, Section 3: Migration and Avant-garde. Paris 1917-1962, section chair: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Bung, Prof. Dr. Susanne Zepp. - Représentations esthétiques de la migration dans la littérature de l'extrême contemporain
Association Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (ACLC): De l'ici à l'ailleurs: Diversité et interdisciplinarité dans la pratique de la littérature comparée, May 28-30, 2017, Organizer: Congrès canadien des sciences humaines à l'Université Ryerson. - Des récits de famille aux tableaux de la société: la parabole dans la fiction féminine contemporaine
XIIe Colloque International d'Études Francophones: Parabole(s), 18-19 March 2016, Organizer: Université de l'Ouest de Timisoara, CIEFT, Prof. Dr. Ramona Malita. - Berlin - capitale de la mémoire? L'après-guerre immédiat dans Mon enfant de Berlin (2009) d'Anne Wiazemsky
Le 'phénomène Berlin': représentation d'une métropole dans la littérature d'expression française de 1920 à nos jours , 10-11 May 2012, Organizer: Université de Lausanne, Prof. Dr. Jean Kaempfer, Dr. Valérie Michelet Jacquod. - "Vous avez fait de ma colère une mélodie". Le monde du travail et la littérature contemporaine
"Écrire le fiel".Ve édition des Journées sur l'extrême contemporain, 23-24 October 2009, organizer: Università degli Studi di Bari, Groupe de Recherche sur l'Extrême Contemporain (GREC), Prof. Dr. Matteo Majorano. - "The shadows of reality". Photographie et mémoire dans l'œuvre littéraire de W. G. Sebald
W. G. Sebald. L'écriture de l'histoire, Journée d'étude, 16 March 2009, Organizer: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, Paris, Prof. Dr. Émmanuelle Loyer. - Mirror images of the self in Rafael Chirbes' Mediterráneos (1997)
XXX. Romance Studies Conference: Romance Studies in Society, University of Vienna, September 23-27, 2007, Section 12: Mediterranean Discourses in Literature and Film, Section Chair: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Arend, Dr. Elke Richter, PD Dr. Christiane Solte-Gresser. - "Amour, amour, que veux-tu donc?" - Amitié tendre et amour-passion dans les contes de fées (1697/98) de Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy
Lecture at the 'Rencontres' of the Société des Amis de Jean-Louis Flandrin, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 10 March 2006, organized by Patrick Rambourg. - Le corps de fées modernes - La participation des conteuses à la transmission d'une mémoire féminine
33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, Arizona State University, Tempe, May 2-8, 2001, Section: Women in the Classical Age: voix, images, figures, mémoires, Chair: Prof. Dr. Christine Probes.
(International) conferences in Germany
- Social Cohesion and the production of difference / Cohésion sociale et construction de la différence
International conference: Co-production of knowledge on social cohesion - topics, issues and approaches. Coproduction du savoir sur la cohésion sociale - sujets, enjeux et approches théoriques, 10.-12.10.19, Organizer: University of Leipzig, SFB 1199. - Social conflicts in French-language literature of the 20th/21st century Introductory lecture to the literature didactic workshop, Franco-German Congress La Paix - Peace. Friedenspädagogik und Französischunterricht 100 Jahre nach Verdun, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Romance Studies, Carolus-Magnus-Kreis Dresden, November 9-12, 2016, Matthias Kern, Kristian Raum.
- Migration und Medien - Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (with Elisabeth Tiller), Conference Kulturwissenschaftliche Impulse in Theorie und Praxis: Integration - Evolution? Revolution?, TUD Dresden University of Technology, November 4-6, 2016, Prof. Dr. Maria Lieber, PD Dr. Christoph Mayer.
- Introduction: Migration and Media in Transdisciplinary Perspective (with Elisabeth Tiller), International Conference Migration and Media, TUD Dresden University of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saxon State and University Library, October 20-22, 2016, Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller.
- Écrire le travail en temps de crise. Sur les approches romanesques de François Bon et Isaac Rosa
XXXIV Romance Studies Conference of the German Romance Studies Association: Romance Studies and Economics: Structure, Culture, Literature, University of Mannheim, July 26-29, 2015, Section: Crisis Rewriting, Section Chair: Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm/ Dr. Susanne Ritschel. - "Écrire à la place de" - Mémoire et histoire dans le roman français contemporain
IX. Congress of the French-Romanist Association: Schnittstellen/Interfaces, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, September 24-27, 2014, Section: Le savoir historique de la littérature contemporaine: un défi pour les études littéraires et pour l'historiographie, Section Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Asholt, Prof. Dr. Ursula Bähler. - "Une dose d'angoisse historique" - Berlin entre douceur et violence chez Christian Prigent
City of emotions: Berlin in der frankophonen Gegenwartsliteratur / Ville des émotions: Berlin dans la littérature francophone contemporaine, July 4-6, 2013, Organizer: Freie Universität Berlin, Frankreich-Zentrum, Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann, Dr. Dorothee Risse. - Économie et langage dans les romans d'Emmanuelle Heidsieck
VIII Congress of the Francoromanist Association: [R]evolution of the Media, University of Leipzig, September 19-22, 2012, Section 1: Précarité. Textes et images de la crise dans la culture française contemporaine, section chair: PD Dr. Roswitha Böhm, Dr. Cécile Kovacshazy. - Crisis and Criticism. Precarious writing as an antidote
Alexipharmaceuticals. Antidotes in literature, theory and media. International Workshop, 14 and 15 June 2012, Organizer: Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, PD Dr. Leonhard Fuest. - Balzac's Sarrasine from the perspective of gender studies
Balzac's 'Sarrasine'. Twelve model analyses. Workshop, April 24 and 25, 2010, Organizer: University of Bremen, Dr. Elke Richter, Dr. Karen Struve, Dr. Natascha Ueckmann. - Photography and memory in the contemporary French novel
Visual Evidence? Photography in the Reflection of Literature and Film. An interdisciplinary conference, 13 and 14 February 2009, organized by: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte. - Le monde du travail et les 'nouveaux' employés dans le roman français contemporain
VI Congress of the Francoromanist Association: Normes/Norms, University of Augsburg, September 24-26, 2008, Section 1: A Return of Romance Norms? The contemporary French novel, section chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Asholt, Prof. Dr. Marc Dambre. - "L'échec de notre civilisation" - The reflection on old age, illness and death in the work of Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir. An intellectual for the 21st century. International conference on the occasion of Simone de Beauvoir's 100th birthday, 10 and 11 January 2008, organized by ZE zur Förderung von Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Institute for German and Dutch Philology, Frankreich-Zentrum der FU Berlin. - "Rien ne retient mon regard" - Text-image relations in
Du silence à la voix - Colloque franco-allemand autour de l'œuvre de Cécile Wajsbrot, Frankreich-Zentrum der Freien Universität Berlin, June 1 and 2, 2007, Organization: Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann, Dr. Roswitha Böhm in cooperation with Dr. habil. Claudine Delphis. - Topographies of Memory - On the Literarization of Contemporary History in the Contemporary European Novel
Lecture at the SFB 434 Cultures of Memory, Justus Liebig University Giessen, 23 January 2007, Organization: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rieger, Dr. Kirsten Dickhaut, Dr. Stephanie Wodianka. - Entre le théâtre et le film: Molière (1978) d'Ariane Mnouchkine
V. Congress of the Francoromanist Association: KONTAKT. Languages, Literatures, Cultures, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, September 26-29, 2006, Section 5: Le siècle classique et le cinéma, Section Chair: Dr. Roswitha Böhm, Prof. Dr. Andrea Grewe, Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann. - In Search of Traces - On the Literarization of (Family) History in the Narrative Work of Patrick Modiano
IV. Congress of the Francoromanist Association: Demokratie, Literatur, Sprache, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br., 28 September-1 October 2004, Section 3: Literarisierte Geschichtserfahrung in französischsprachigen Texten des 20. Jahrhunderts, Section Chair: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Arend, Dr. Dagmar Reichardt, Dr. Elke Richter. - Between Inside and Outside - Foreign and Self-Reflection in Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy's Travelogues from Spain (1690/91)
Real and symbolic spaces of cultural transfer. International conference at the Frankreich-Zentrum of the Technische Universität Berlin, September 18-21, 2003, Organizers: Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmerman, Dr. Gesa Stedman. - "Se peut-il un air plus noble & des traits plus réguliers?"- On the art of portraiture in the fairy tales of Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy
Symposium Art Discourse and Female Portrait Culture, Justus Liebig University Giessen/Schloß Rauischholzhausen, 7-8 March 2003, organizers: Dr. Sigrid Ruby, Simone Roggendorf. - Conversation theory and the ideal of conviviality in the
siècle classique
Spirituality and worldliness. Italia - Germania II. International medievalist conference, 20-24 October 1999, organized by the Seminar for Medieval Latin Philology and the Institute for Art History of the Free University of Berlin, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino, Fondazione Ezio Franceschini Firenze, Università degli Studi di Lecce. - Lire au XVIIe siècle. La magie du livre dans les contes de fées de Madame d'Aulnoy
Faire signe - Making a mark. First Congress of the Francoromanist Association, Mainz, September 24-26, 1998, Section X: La lectrice dans la littérature française, Chair: PD Dr. Angelica Rieger.
Guest lectures / (Ring) lectures / research colloquia
- 'Un désastre douloureux et définitif' - Literarische Reaktionen auf die 68er-Bewegung in Frankreich, as part of the lecture series 50 Jahre 1968, TU Dresden, event series of the Institute of German Studies, May 30, 2018.
- Gender und Migration als Grenzphänomene des Literarischen und Sozialen, lecture as part of the lecture series Gender3 intersektional: Grenzgänge, TUD Dresden University of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GenderConceptGroup, Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher, November 30, 2016.
- Fairytale storytelling. Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy's Contes de fées between affirmation and subversion
Guest lecture as part of the lecture Erzählen im Frankreich des 17. Jahrhunderts, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Bung, University of Duisburg-Essen, January 11, 2016. - Between past and present: Germany and France
Keynote speech for the panel discussion Zwischen Drinnen und Draußen. Flucht und Migration als europäische Herausforderung, TUD Dresden University of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saxon State and University Library, December 14, 2015. - Pierre Bourdieu: La Domination masculine Contribution to gender histories reloaded: Lange GenderLeseNacht, TUD Dresden University of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GenderConceptGroup, November 25, 2015.
- Kettly Mars - poète intimiste et écrivaine politique
Introduction to the author reading and discussion, Institute Français Dresden, October 23, 2015. - On the proximity and distance of the present. Romance perspectives
Inaugural lecture at the TUD Dresden University of Technology, July 8, 2015 (with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller). - Writing crisis. Precarious working environments in contemporary European literature
Guest lecture as part of the seminar Tendencies in Contemporary French Literature, Dr. Yasmin Temelli, University of Düsseldorf, December 8, 2014. - Towards a poetics of the precarious. Working worlds in contemporary European culture
Guest lecture at the Institute for Arts and Media at the University of Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Wehinger, May 31, 2013. - Spanish naturalism. On the revalorization of ethics and aesthetics in Emilia Pardo Bazán
Public academic lecture as part of the habilitation process at the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at Freie Universität Berlin, May 2, 2012. - Writing crisis. Towards a Poetics of the Precarious in Contemporary Theater and Novel
Fellow Lecture at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, November 14, 2011. - Amitié tendre et amour-passion dans les contes de fées de Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy (1697/98)
Lecture as part of the lecture Littérature(s) et institutions littéraires du Grand Siècle, Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann, Freie Universität Berlin, June 17, 2010. - Court and Salon. Classical France
Romance Cultures. A series of lectures, winter semester 2008/09, December 3, 2008, Organizer: Bielefeld University, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies, PD Dr. Cornelia Ortlieb. - Introduction: Transculturality and Visual Culture - Fields of Research and Perspectives
Opening lecture (with Prof. Dr. Anja Bandau and Prof. Dr. Ursula Kocher) of the lecture series Medien- und Kulturbegegnungen: Transculturality and Visual Culture, Summer Semester 2008, Free University of Berlin, April 21, 2008. - On the benefits and disadvantages of a relato real: Javier Cercas' Soldados de Salamina (2001)
Lecture as part of the selection process for the W1 Junior Professorship for Romance Philology at the "Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies", April 20, 2008, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Philosophy and Humanities. - Topographies of memory in the narrative works of Patrick Modiano and W. G. Sebald
Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium on French Studies in a European Context, Summer Semester 2007, May 16, 2007, Organizer: Frankreich-Zentrum der Freien Universität Berlin. - In Search of Traces - On the Literarization of (Family) History in Contemporary European Literature
Interdisciplinary research colloquium on French Studies in the European Context, winter semester 2005/06, February 1, 2006, organized by the Frankreich-Zentrum der TU Berlin. - Histoires de famille: Patrick Modiano, Dora Bruder (1997)
Lecture as part of the lecture Ecrire la diversité: Französische Gegenwartsliteratur, Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann, Technische Universität Berlin, December 12, 2005. - Between remembering and forgetting. On the presence of female authors in French literary histories of the 18th and 19th centuries
Interdisciplinary research colloquium on the Enlightenment in France and Germany, winter semester 2002/03, 16 November 2002, organized by the Frankreich-Zentrum of the Technische Universität Berlin. - "One in a firmament of feminine stars" - On the reception of Madame de Staël in England (with Gesa Stedman)
Lecture series on Anglo-Romance cultural contacts, summer semester 2000, May 17, 2000, organized by the Institute for Romance Philology and the Institute for English Studies at the Free University of Berlin. - The 17th century in conversation
Lecture series Dialogue, summer semester 1999, May 26, 1999, Organizer: Institute of Romance Studies of the Humboldt University of Berlin and Institute of Romance Philology of the Free University of Berlin. - Metropolitan poetry after 1918: Léon-Paul Fargue and Max Jacob
Lecture in the context of the lecture Literature and Culture of the Entre-deux-guerres (1918-1939), Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann, Freie Universität Berlin, May 7, 1998. - Under Exclusion of Femininity or Exclusively Female. Strategies of French historiography of women's literature
Conversation in the undergrowth, Galerie am Holtzendorffplatz, Berlin, December 10, 1997. - "La conclusion s'impose: écrire n'est pas métier de femmes..." - Reflections on some women's literary histories of the 18th and 19th centuries
Interdisciplinary research colloquium on the cultural history of gender relations, summer semester 1997, 18 June 1997, organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, Technical University of Berlin.
Trial lectures / application lectures
- January 11, 2013: TUD Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Application lecture in the context of filling a W2 Chair of French Studies. - October 25, 2012: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Faculty 05 "Language, Literature, Culture"
Application lecture in the context of the appointment of a W2-Professorship for Romance Literary and Cultural Studies. - August 27, 2012: University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Application lecture in the context of filling a W2 Chair for Romance Philology/Literary Studies. - April 25, 2012: University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Humanities
Application presentation in the context of filling a university professorship (W2/W3) for French Literary Studies - December 12, 2011: University of Bern, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Application lecture in the context of filling a Chair for Littératures contemporaines en langue française avec une orientation méthodologique en histoire et théorie de la culture. - October 27, 2011: University of Osnabrück, Department 7 Linguistics and Literary Studies
Application lecture in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2-Professorship for Romance Cultural Studies. - July 5, 2010: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Department 09 Philology
Trial lecture as part of the reappointment procedure for the W2 Chair of Romance Philology. - April 20, 2008, Free University of Berlin, Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Lecture as part of the selection process for the W1 Junior Professorship for Romance Philology at the "Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies".