About the Center

Center France | Francophonie (CFF)
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Visiting address:
Wiener Str. 48, Rooms 4.11, 4.06, 4.02
01219 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Romanistik
01062 Dresden
Secretariat Angelika Gleisberg:
Wiener Str. 48, Room 4.02
01219 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 - 463 32038
Office hours:
Availability in the office (secretariat): Daily. Office hours for students: Mon-Thu, 13:30-15:30h. Vacation in the office: 11-29.09.24
Table of contents
"Our center can be a label for the university"
Report by Beate Diederichs in the Dresdner Universitätsjournal 8/2019, page 4.
What is the Center France | Francophonie?
The Center France | Francophonie (CFF) sees itself as a platform for internationalization and interdisciplinary networking.
It promotes exchange between TU Dresden stakeholders and partners in France and the French-speaking countries in the scientific and cultural fields. The CFF networks existing and supports new activities in the three central areas of research, teaching and third mission.
In addition to interdisciplinary networking at regional, national and international level, the CFF initiates its own long-term fields of research and designs creative event formats. This includes, among other things, making existing collaborations between the TU Dresden Institutes and francophone partners from teaching, research, culture and business visible.
The CFF thus functions as a place for German-French and German-Francophone scientific and cultural exchange and as a contact point for international cooperation.
Fields of activity
- Support for students looking for study and funding opportunities / internships, including in the French-speaking world
- a diversified teaching program by inviting Francophone guest researchers
- a structured promotion of early-career researchers as part of the Franco-German Doctoral College, funded by the Franco-German University
- a range of academic and cultural events - lectures, readings, workshops, film series, conferences - related to France and other francophone regions
- insights into current issues in the francophone cultural area for the general public that change perspectives
The discovery of mechanisms and patterns of interculturality
Member of the network of university France and Francophonie centers in Germany since 2020.