Michela Gargiulo

Researcher | Holder of the doctoral Maria Reiche Fellowship
NameMichela Gargiulo
Chair of Romance Linguistics (French, Italian)
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- Bachelor of Arts in Modern European Languages, Cultures and Literatures; 110/110 cum laude, University of Naples Federico II, 2018.
- Master of Arts in Italian and German Linguistics, 110/110 cum laude, University of Naples Federico II, 2020.
- Foreign language assistant (Italian) at Domgymnasium, Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt (10/2021 - 07/2022).
- Since 01/10/2022 MARIA-REICHE-scholarship holder at the Chair of Romance Linguistics (French/Italian) and PhD student on the topic "Human-machine interaction. A contrastive analysis of dialogue systems in Italian, French, English and German" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. De Cesare Greenwald.
Participation in conferences, meetings, symposia, research seminars (as speaker)
- “Hey you! Conversing with AI”, EUTOPIA Science Slam, University of Ljubljana, 23.11.2022.
- “Benvenuto! Sono Lara, la tua Assistente Virtuale. Un’analisi linguistica dei messaggi di benvenuto in chatbot di lingua italiana”, Doktorand:innennetz Workshop (Tübingen, TU Dresden, Heidelberg), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 3.02.2023.
- “Il presidente o la presidente? Una riflessione sulla rappresentazione linguistica delle donne nella politica italiana” with Silvia Nania and Enrico Serena, EUTOPIA Languages Week, TU Dresden, Online, 10.03.2023.
- “Gender-Inclusive Language in French, Italian and Spanish”, Moderation of the Round Table, EUTOPIA Languages Week, TU Dresden, Online, 10.03.2023.
- “Hi, I'm Sophia the chatbot! A Contrastive Analysis Of Chatbots’ Welcome Message in German, Italian, English and French”, International Workshop, AI Technology as Interactional Human Culture: Language, Data Practice and Social Struggle, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 30.03.2023.
- “Eliza, Kuki, Angie. Una riflessione sui chatbot e la rappresentazione di genere”, Studientag IfR – dies academicus, TU Dresden, 10.05.2023.
- “Benvenuto! Sono Lara, La Tua Assistente Virtuale”: Un’ Analisi Contrastiva Dei Messaggi Di Benvenuto In Chatbot Di Lingua Italiana, Francese, Inglese e Tedesca,” 38. Romanistentag “Präsenz und Virtualität”, Universität Leipzig, 25.09.2023.
- “A contrastive analysis of politeness cues in chatbots' first turns”, 1st International Conference “Automated texts In the ROMance languages”, TU Dresden, 28.09.2023.
Member of the organising committee for the International Conference Automated Texts in the Romance Languages. A linguistic perspective by Prof. Anna-Maria De Cesare, taking place at the Institute of Romance Languages at TU Dresden on 28th and 29th September 2023.