General information
If you do not have a degree or would like to start a new undergraduate degree program, you can enroll in a teacher training program with a state degree or in the subject-specific Bachelor's degree program of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Studies with numerous subject combinations both within the Faculty SLK and with many subjects of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science.
If you already have a comparable Bachelor's degree, you can enrol for one of the interphilological Faculty Master's degree programs LiKWa or EuroS as well as for the department-wide Master's degree program DH, just like after a Bachelor's degree in Romance Studies at the TUD. As part of the Master's degree program, it is also possible to apply for the double Master's program (Dresden/Trento).
Please note the subject-specific admission requirements for both the subject-specific and teaching degree programs. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQs. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the relevant contact person.
Academic year schedule
When enrolling and planning your studies, please note the official TU Dresden academic year schedule for the coming years. Here you will find the necessary information on lecture, examination and vacation periods and public holidays.
Financing your studies
The question of financing your studies is an important one. In principle, you have various options for financing your studies at TU Dresden (BaföG, scholarships, bank loans), which you can find on the pages of the Central Student Advisory Service and the Studentenwerk Dresden.
The advantage here is that the Free State of Saxony does not charge general tuition fees. Nevertheless, in addition to the general cost of living, you will have to pay the TU Dresden semester fees every six months. In return, you will receive your personal SemesterTicket, which entitles you to free transportation throughout the entire area of the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO), including the local trains of Deutsche Bahn AG. You can also apply for your student Emeal, which entitles you to discounted student meals in the canteens of the Studentenwerk Dresden.
(This is a page of the Faculty SLK and can be found under Information for Applicants)