Chair for Sorabistic Studies
Welcome to the Chair for Sorabistic studies!
NameProf. Dr. Hauke Bartels
Chair for Sorabistic Studies
Fields of activity
Language documentation
Lexicography (including computer lexicography)
Corpus structure and body linguistics
Language contact research
Grammar of Lower Sorbian language
- History of the Lower Sorbian written language (since 1848)
- 1999-2001 - Research assistant, University of Bremen
- Since 2001 - Research assistant at the Sorbian Institute (SI), Department of Lower Sorbian Research
- 2004 - Dr. phil., University of Oldenburg, dissertation topic „Dativ oder Präposition. Zur Markierungsvariation im Kontext adjektivischer Prädikate im Deutschen, Russischen und Polnischen“
- 2005-2014 - Head of the Cottbus Department for Lower Sorbian Research on SI
- 2015 - Head of the new sitewide department Linguistics on SI
- 2016 - Director ad interim of Sorbian Institute
- 2018 - Director of Sorbian Institute
- 2022 - Professorship for Sorabistic
Current projects
- 2022-2027 Integrated Digital Sorbian Studies – in coorporation with Prof. Dr. Christian Prunitsch (Slavic studies), Prof. Dr. Alexander Lasch (German studies) and Serbski Institut (Funding: VolkswagenStiftung)
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