Title: STUdents self-governance & Democratic Involvement in Kazakhstan
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Project Coordinator:
National Coordinator in Kazakhstan:
EU Partners:
Kazakh Partners:
The objective of STUDIK project is to improve the political involvement of students in the higher education sector by offering them a chance to form individual structures – democratically organized student bodies, with the aim to develop their own strategies and to participate in the decision-making process of their institutions. The wider objective is to train and prepare key players of civil society in the field of democracy to strengthen the democratic culture of the society in a long term process.
The first step in the realization of STUDIK project – the Kick-of Meeting – took place in TU Dresden on March 4th-06th 2013. During the first meeting the project partners got acquainted with each other, defined the overall strategy and milestones of the project, clarified questions of cooperation ways and role of each partner in the successful realization of the project. The meeting as well as the welcoming events were organized by the European Project Center and the Institute of Slavonic Studies (Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße, Ekaterina Nesterenko, M.A.).
Project Coordinator
Flyer (English, Russian)