Joint Project “Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in RUSSIA and СHINA” (ENTEP)
Capacity Building in higher education action
Funded by the European Union
Title: Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in RUSSIA and СHINA (ENTEP)
Official site of the project ENTEP:
Duration: 3 years
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße
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Bürogebäude Wiener Straße 48, Raum 2.17 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
- Mittwoch:
- 10:00 - 12:00
Administrator: Svitlana Vyshnevska, M.A.

Studienberatung, Projektmanagement
NameFrau Svitlana Vyshnevska
Studienfachberaterin im Master EuroS, Projektmanagement ENTEP
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WIE 48, Raum 0.11 Wiener Str. 48
01219 Dresden
- Dienstag:
- 10:00 - 12:00
- und n. Vereinbarung
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Project Manager: Christina Spirow, M.A.

Stellvertr. Gruppenl. / Projektmanagerin
NameFrau Christina Spirow
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FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany, project coordinator |
Stiftung Universität Hildesheim/ University of Hildesheim (UH), Germany |
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), United Kingdom |
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy |
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC), Portugal |
Institute of World Civilizations (IWC), Russia |
Institute of Pedagogy,Psychology and Social Problems (IPPSP), Russia |
Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Russia |
Penza State University (PSU), Russia |
Sanya University (SU), China |
Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU), China |
Private Hualian University (HLU), China |
ENTEP Joint Project proposal has been initiated with the aim of improving the quality of education and teaching, enhancing teaching practices and further developing educational science in Russia and China. Partners experienced in HE teacher training formed a consortium in order to benefit from their different experiences, profiles and specific expertise and to produce relevant and high quality outcomes. The Project is focused on building cooperation and exchange of good teaching practices among European, Russian and Chinese Universities, which will eventually result in the modernization of PCIs.
Effective teacher education is key to teachers’ ability to face educational change and handle various socioeconomic conditions, however, more professional training is required throughout a teacher’s career as different professional needs emerge and contextual circumstances shift.
RU and CN educational authorities require that HE teachers, who lack pedagogical education, must receive training through professional development in-service programs on theory and practice of teaching, including advanced teaching methods and pedagogy. Thus, the proposed establishment of Centres for Teaching and Learning at PCIs with trained personnel and methodological support will provide a model for such high quality training on a regular basis and engage educators with the most up-to-date technologies to support teaching design and delivery. In order to be able to fit the changing learning environment, University teachers will be informed of modern pedagogy, curricula and syllabi design, contemporary teaching methodologies and psychology in the classroom, thus, being able to teach graduates who will meet needs of the labour market. Consequently, continuous professional development of university teaching staff will be focused on shared international and national ‘centres of excellence’, best practices, advanced teaching methodology and educational psychology in convergence with EU initiatives.
A university-wide, cross-departmental network of Centres for Teaching & Learning will be established in RU & CN PCIs and a comprehensive set of professional guidelines for teacher training providers and leaders will be developed. Learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches including learning outcomes and ICT practices will be available for professional development of the PCIs' teaching staff. Training of trainers will be done through the training workshops at EUIs.
A modern, tailored, module-based curriculum for HE teacher training based on contemporary education science and aimed at professional development of the academic staff will be developed and piloted at each PCI. A comprehensive set of professional guidelines for teacher training providers and leaders will be developed, incorporating learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches including learning outcomes, ICT-based practices and blended courses and introduced at PCIs.
- To identify weaknesses, needs and emerging issues in PCIs' teaching practices and match them with the best EU practices
- To internationalize and harmonize teaching practices in EU, RU and CN through the series of workshops and seminars introducing major principles of EHEA and to improve qualification of the PCIs' teaching staff in pedagogy allowing educators to build on innovation strategies and up-dated contents
- To establish a network of Centres for Teaching & Learning in PCIs and to enable their staff to support each other and develop their own expertise
- To develop a set of professional guidelines for teacher training providers and to introduce learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches
- To design and deliver modern, module-based curriculum for HE teacher training
- To introduce modules on teaching methods, pedagogy and psychology in PhD and MA curricula
- To enhance quality, relevance and convergence with EU initiatives
- To introduce and disseminate project outcomes.
From June 2018 till October 2018 the seminars for top managers and teachers from Russia and China were held at the European Project Partners:
Workshops for top managers:
at the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in United Kingdom (11.06.18-15.06.18)
- at the TU Dresden (18.06.18-22.06.18)
- at the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO) in Italy (10.09.18-15.09.18)
Workshops for teachers:
- at the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim / University of Hildesheim (UH) in Germany (03.09.18-07.09.18)
- at the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in United Kingdom (03.09.18-07.09.18)
- at the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO) in Italy (17.09.18-21.09.18)
- at the Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC) in Portugal (22.10.18-26.10.18)
The first Project Conference
at the Kazan Federal University, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems (IPPSP) in Kazan (16.10.18-17.10.18)