Research at the Institute of Slavic Studies
The Institute of Slavic Studies at TU Dresden is thematically structured in three Chairs and one Department. The Dresden Institute thus covers a broad spectrum of academic research topics.

Research at the Institute of Slavic Studies
The Institute of Slavic Studies at TU Dresden is divided thematically into three Chairs and one department:
- Department of Russian Cultural Studies and Didactics
- Chair of Slavic Literatures
- Chair of Linguistics and History of Slavic Languages
- Chair of Western Slavic Literatures and Cultural Studies
The Chairs and the staff at our Institute cover a broad spectrum of research topics, are editors of some of the most important publications on Slavic research, and collaborate in a large variety of Slavic research projects.
In addition to other conferences and symposia, the German Slavist Day 2012 was held at the Dresden Institute of Slavic Studies.