Das Fakultätsgebäude Wiener Straße 48 © Dek_SLK

Studying at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies

The Faculty offers a specialist Bachelor's and two Master's degree programmes, an international programme, as well as state-certified degrees and doctoral studies.

learn more Studying at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies

Short Ways

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe

Apply for a term abroad with ERASMUS! Many spots in Europe as part of the ERASMUS-programme of the Faculty SLK await you. If you want to study in Europe, feel free to pass at our ERASMUS office at Wiener Straße 48, 0.06 during our office hours! We'll tell you how to apply for one of the places and help you plan your stay abroad. Any questions left? Get in touch via Email  (erasmus.slk@mailbox.tu-dresden.de) or phone (0351 463 39455).


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