LIS 2.0 - Homepage
Project title:
LIS 2.0 - The Bohemian-Saxon literary landscape as a learning and gaming platform
Project management: Dr. Annette Teufel About the team |
Duration: 1.1.2022-31.12.2022 |
What can be found on LIS 2.0:
Up-to-date information on project progress, events and sustainability measures.
Project description:
The project "Bohemian-Saxon literary landscape - a literary information system (LIS)" (2017-2020) developed a sophisticated educational portal on cultural-scientific content from the border region.
LIS 2.0 turns their exploration into a (children's) game.
Guided by exploration tasks, children and young people move through the virtual landscape and discover the literary wealth on both sides of the border: as a shared cultural heritage. They playfully gain knowledge about Czech and German-speaking authors who have worked in the region; about works that are linked to the region; about memorials dedicated to them; and about historical networks that connected the literary figures of the border region. In doing so, they naturally cross the border to the respective neighboring country: Czech students, for example, trace Erich Kästner in Dresden - and German students Otfried Preußler in Liberec and Osoblaha (German: Hotzenplotz).
Gamification of challenging cultural studies content gives pupils digital access to the diverse cultural landscape of Saxony and Bohemia. On the one hand, this enables independent learning - also with regard to homeschooling that may be necessary in the future - and on the other hand, this offer also contributes to a meaningful digitalization of classroom teaching.
As part of the project, a game and learning platform is being created on LIS, consisting of a learning game and a quiz that makes it possible to test the knowledge acquired through LIS 2.0. The didactic material developed in the project, which is available for download, as well as training courses in teacher training and further education, enable teachers in Saxony and the Czech Republic to use LIS 2.0 in the classroom.
Milestones of the project work:
- Contents: The contents of the learning application and the quiz game are developed on a didactically sound basis.
- Get the Game Running: The technical implementation of the learning application and quiz game is realized and a trailer video is created.
- Train the Trainer: The greatest possible dissemination of LIS 2.0 will be ensured: didactic and advertising material will be developed and published online. On-site training courses will be held as part of teacher training and further education as well as for interested multipliers.
LIS 2.0 can be used free of charge and is suitable for use on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
Project partner:
Together with the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem and the HTW Dresden.
Research Associates at the ZMOE:
Daniel Rose, M.A.
Phone: +49 351 463-42882
Fax: +49 351 463-37769
Mandy Scheffler, M.A.
Phone: +49 351 463-37865
Fax: +49 351 463-37769
Student assistants:
Kolja Kolembus
Fanny Walter
Project administration:
Franziska Lauer, M.A.(European Project Center)
Phone: +49 351 463-39689
Fax: +49 351 463- 37719