Three questions
Here you will find video interviews with experts on a wide range of issues relating to Eastern and Central Europe.
Part 4: Interview with Prof. Dr. Stephan Kessler
"Three questions" to Stephan Kessler, a Baltic studies scholar at the University of Greifswald, as part of the event Lernt endlich Lettisch! A Baltic perspective on Russian culture at the SLUB.
Drei Fragen - Teil 4 © ZMOE
Part 3: Interview with Wladimir Kaminer
In the run-up to the event"War or Peace. Can Tolstoy still be in the bookcase?" at the SLUB, Wladimir Kaminer answered "Three questions".
"Drei Fragen" - Teil 3: Interview mit Wladimir Kaminer © ZMOE
Part 2: Interview with Dr. Manfred Sapper
"Drei Fragen" - Teil 2: Interview mit Manfred Sapper © ZMOE
Part 1: Interview with Professor Dr. Boris Justinovič Norman
from the Belarusian State University in Minsk. The interview was conducted in November 2020. Professor Norman left the university in 2021.
"Drei Fragen" - Teil 1: Interview mit Boris Norman (mit deutschen Untertiteln) © ZMOE