Cultural Fit "Finding, retaining and winning back employees - Change Agents for Cultural Fit (CFoRM)"
Project coordination & management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Thorsten Claus;
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Remmer Sassen;
Dr. rer. pol. Stefanie Hanke
Funding body:
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection BMWK on the STARK funding programme: Strengthening the Transformation Dynamics and Awakening in the Coalfields and at Coal-fired Power Plant Sites.
The STARK programme funds projects that support the transformation process towards an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable economic structure in coal regions.
1.03.2023 to 31.08.2026
Short description:
The project deals with the transfer of the scientific concept of cultural fit into corporate practice via the format of continuing education. In short, cultural fit describes the fit in terms of behavior and values between employers and employees. It is aimed specifically at company employees with personnel responsibility from the district of Görlitz in order to support them in building a foundation for long-term, sustainable and mutually satisfying employee relations. It has been scientifically proven that effects such as good employee retention, higher job satisfaction, lower fluctuation, lower sick leave and the promotion of an innovative climate are possible with this concept. The special added value for the participants lies in the accompanied experimental phase. In this phase, the participants apply what they have learned in their own company, accompanied by mentors. This ensures a successful transfer.
Partners & supporters:
- ATN Hölzel GmbH
- OKA Büromöbel GmbH & Co. KG
- Trixi Park GmbH
- ecu Glaubitz GmbH & Co. KG
- IHK Zittau & Görlitz
- Business Development Zittau
- Lausitz Matrix e.V.
- Bautzen Employment Agency
- Franziska Schubert - Chairwoman of the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die
Grünen, Saxon. State Parliament - Dr. Stephan Meyer District Administrator District of Görlitz