Hedwig Kaszycki, M.A.

Research Associate
NameMs Hedwig Kaszycki
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Academic education
- Oct. 2020 - Feb. 2024 IHI Zittau - Master Business Ethics and Responsible Management (M.A.)
- Jan. 2019 - Jun. 2019 Scholarship semester Trinty College Dublin - Sociology
- Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2021 University of Hamburg, TU Dresden - Bachelor Sociology (B.A.)
Professional career
- Jan. 2022 - Dec. 2024 Research Assistant, TU Dresden, Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL), Teaching Synergies Program
- Aug. 2020 - Jan. 2022 Working student in sales management, Sparkassenversicherung Sachsen
Research interests
My research interests mostly revolve around the practice-orientated implementation of the concept of ‘cultural fit’ in the context of personnel management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in eastern Germany. The aim of my work is to develop and test a comprehensive training programme that enables (HR) managers to actively and sustainably shape the corporate culture as "change agents". The aim is to enable companies to successfully master the challenges posed by the ongoing shortage of skilled labour in our region.
In addition to designing and executing the training programme, I develop self-learning materials and guidelines that make it easier for companies to implement the course in day-to-day practice and promote the transfer of knowledge. With these measures, I would like to make a contribution to strengthening the competitiveness of our region.