Jul 04, 2024
Wrocław: TU Dresden celebrates 25th anniversary of German-Polish collaboration
This year's summer party at the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Wrocław brought together around 700 Polish and German guests from the worlds of politics, business, culture and science. As co-organizer, the Free State of Saxony looked back on 25 years of German-Polish cooperation in the Lower Silesia region. In addition to greetings from Consul General Kremer, Marshal Gancarz, Voivode Awiżeń and City President Sutryk, Saxony's Prime Minister Kretschmer emphasized the joint success story of the partnership between Saxony and Lower Silesia.
TU Dresden presented itself together with the transnational research center Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) at the HZDR - founded in 2019 by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig, the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cellology and Genetics and the Uniwersytet Wrocławski.

Der sächsische Ministerpräsident am gemeinsamen Stand der TU Dresden und des CASUS (v.l.n.r.: Avinash Chekuru (TUD), Ronald Tetzlaff (TUD), Michael Kretschmer (MP), Danny Klotzsche (TUD), Weronika Schlechte-Wełnicz (CASUS), Martin Laqua (CASUS)
In addition to the CASUS research projects in the field of digital systems science, TU Dresden has carried out over 30 research projects in Lower Silesia since the start of the current excellence period in 2019. These covered a range of topics such as health, social and structural change, mobility, circular economy, sustainability, landscape management, information technology, microelectronics and materials science.
Further information on TU Dresden's scientific cooperation in the Saxony-Poland-Czech Republic border triangle can be found on the regional partnership page.