The Team

P2O-Lab Team
Head of the Process-to-Order Group

Head of Chair PCS and Group PSE
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Leon Urbas
Head of the P2O-Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 01 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden
Team Assistant
NameMs Doris Allstaedt
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Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, MER/06 Helmholtzstr 18
01069 Dresden

NameKirstie Kantemir
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Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, BAR E02
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
appointments by prior arrangement

NameMr Radzhiv Khayretdinov B.Sc.
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Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 21 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden

Technical Employee
NameMr Norbert Kindermann
Electrical engineering, design and construction of test rigs
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Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau (BAR), E 14 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden

Technical assistant
NameMs Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Roller
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Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, Merkel-Bau, MER/15 Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 08:00 - 13:30
- Tuesday:
- 08:00 - 13:30
- Wednesday:
- 08:00 - 13:30
- Thursday:
- 08:00 - 13:30
Smart Architectures Group (SmArt)

Research Assistant
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Lucas Vogt
Team Lead - Smart Architectures Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, MER/12A Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMs Zohra Charania M.Sc. M. Tech.
Smart Architectures Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E16 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 11
01187 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameEngr. Fatima Rani (M.Sc. SWE)
Smart Architectures Group
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Certificate of DFN-PKI for encrypted email communication.
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, BAR-E16, Helmholtzstraße 18
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 17:00

Research Assistant
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Xinyu Wang
Smart Architectures Group
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Certificate of DFN-PKI for encrypted email communication.
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, BAR E16 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 16 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden
Modular Operations Group (ModOps)

Research Assistant
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Julius Lorenz
Team Lead - Modular Operation Group
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Certificate of DFN-PKI for encrypted email communication.
Fingerprint: EC19 DBE8 85F6 AF84 3884 E949 C0AF 3C34 AC04 9079
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik
01062 Dresden
Parcel address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik
Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 19 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden
Research Assistant
NameMs Dipl.-Ing. Linda Eydam
Modular Operations Group
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Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, BAR E16 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMr Tobias Kock M.Sc
Modular Automation Group
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Certificate of DFN-PKI for encrypted email communication.
Fingerprint SHA1:ED:65:BB:01:DF:4F:1A:82:33:EC:7F:42:A3:EF:77:06:0D:A0:4B:BD
Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, MER E12 Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Hybrid Modeling, Simulation & Opimization Group (HybridMSO)

Head of Chair PCS and Group PSE
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Leon Urbas
Head of the P2O-Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, E 01 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMr M.Sc. Lukas Furtner
Hybrid Modeling, Simulation & Opimization Group
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Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Merkelbau Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, BAR/E30 Helmholtzstr. 18
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMs M.Sc. Tehreem Syed
Hybrid Modeling, Simulation & Opimization Group
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Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, BAR/E30 Helmholtzstraße 18
01069 Dresden
Model Exchange and System Simulation Group (MXSS)

Research Assistant
NameMs Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Viedt
Team Lead - Model Exchange and System Simulation Group
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Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, BAR/E21 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Research Assistant
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Michael Große
Model Exchange and System Simulation Group
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Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Professur für Prozessleittechnik Arbeitsgruppe Systemverfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, MER/12A Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Research Assistant
NameMr M.Sc. Imam Iqbal
Model Exchange and System Simulation Group
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Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, BAR E16 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMs Dipl.-Ing. Amy Koch
Model Exchange and System Simulation Group
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Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, Barkhausen-Bau, BAR/E21 Georg-Schumann-Strasse 18 01069 Dresden Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Research Assistant
NameMr Hannes Lange M. Eng.
Managing Director - Process-to-Order Lab
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Process Systems Engineering Group
Process Systems Engineering Group
Visiting address:
Merkelbau, MER 12 Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMr M.Sc. Shreyas Parbat
Model Exchange and System Simulation Group
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Visiting address:
Barkhausenbau, BAR E16 Helmholtzstrasse 18
01069 Dresden
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
- Dipl.-Ing. Paul Altmann
- M.Eng. Helaleh Badrnoebashar
- Ashutosh Bhagwat
- Dr. rer. nat. Sibylle Böhlmann
- B.Sc. Tuan Son Dinh
- M.Sc. Furkan Dodurka
- Dr.-Ing. Falk Doherr
- Dipl.-Ing. Jan Funke
- Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Kffr. Antje Geldner
- M.Sc. Kumar Rajan Gopa
- Dr.-Ing. Markus Graube
- PhD Dr. Miklos Hatwagner
- Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Heidelbach
- Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Heinze
- Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hensel
- Dipl.-Ing. Chris Paul Iatrou
- Dr. Valentin Khaydarov
- Dr.-Ing. Anselm Klose
- Dipl.-Ing. Lennart Klisch
- Dr.-Ing. Anselm Klose
- Dipl.-Ing. David Lippmann
- Dipl.-Inf. Candy Lohse
- Dr.-Ing. Jonathan Mädler
- Dipl.-Ing. Anna Menschner (geb. Hahn)
- Dipl.-Ing. Silke Merkelbach
- Dr. Ilhan Mutlu
- Dr.-Ing. Michael Obst
- Dr.-Ing. MTM Mathias Oppelt
- Dipl.-Ing. Michael Pfab
- Dr.-Ing. Annett Pfeffer
- Dr.-Ing. Johannes Pfeffer
- Dr.-Ing. Julian Rahm
- Dipl.-Ing. Luise Rahm
- Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Schaft
- Dipl.-Ing. Florian Schneider
- Dipl.-Ing. Markus Stöß
- Dipl.-Ing. Markus Vogel
- Dipl.-Ing. Sachari Wassilew
- Dipl.-Ing. Tom Wenzel
- Gastprofessor Prof. Engin Yesil
- Dr.-Ing. Jens Ziegler
- Dipl.-Ing. W. Zschorn
Administrative Mitarbeiter
- Dipl.-Kffr. Sibylle Bergmann
- Christin Haupt
- K. Härtling
- K. Kindermann