Published Journals 2009 11 bis 20 von 26 EinträgenWenzel, C.; Adolphi, B.; Merkel, U.; Jahn, A. ; Marschner, U.; Ziske, J.; Neubert, H.; Fischer, W.-J.: Resonant bending sensor based on sputtered Galfenol. In: Sensors & Actuators: A 156 (2009), S. 129–133Marschner, U.; Grätz, H.; Jettkant, B.; Ruwisch, D.; Woldt, G.; Fischer, W.-J.; Clasbrummel, B.: Integration of a Wireless Lock-In Measurement of Hip Prosthesis Vibrations for Loosening Detection. In: Sensors & Actuators: A 156 (2009), S. 145–154Roscher, K.-U.; Fischer, W.-J.; Heinig, A.; Pfeifer, G.; Starke, E.: Start-Up Behavior of Event-Driven Sensor Networks for Impact Load Monitoring. In: Sens. Actuators A: Phys. (2009), In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume 156 (2009), Nr. 1, November 2009, S. 109–114Kalanda, M.A.; Lobanovsky, L.S.; Gurskii, L.I.; Telesh, E.V.; Kotov, D.A.; Saad, A.; Adolphi, B.; Plötner, M.: Structure and magnetic properties of SR2FeMoO6 nanosized films Physics. In: Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures 2009 (2009), S. 248Suchaneck, G.; Volkonskiy, O.; Hubicka, Z.; Dejneka, A.; Jastrabik, L.; Adolphi, B.; Bertram, M.; Gerlach, G.: Titania seed layers for PZT thin film growth on coppercoated kapton films. In: Integrated Ferroelectrics 108 (2009), S. 57–66Hossbach, C.; Teichert, S.; Thomas, J.; Wilde, L.; Wojcik, H.; Schmidt, D.; Adolphi, B.; Bertram, M.; Mühle, U.; Albert, M.; Menzel, S.; Hintze, B.: Properties of Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Depostion-Grown Tantalum Carbonitrade Thin Films. In: J. Electrochem. Soc. 156_11 (2009), S. 852–859Wenzel, C.; Bartha, J.W.; Bublik, V.T.; Shcherbachev, K.D.; Novodvorsky, O.A.; Gorbatenko, L.S.; Panchenko, V.Ya.; Khramova, O.D.; Cherebilo, Ye.A.: Optical and Structural Characteristics of Ga-doped ZnO Films. In: Semiconductors Vol. 43, Nr. 4 (2009), S. 419–424Hossbach, C.; Teichert, S.; Thomas, J.; Wilde, L.; Wojcik, H.; Schmidt, D.; Adolphi, B.; Bertram, M.; Muhle, U.; Albert, A. ; Menzel, S.; Hintze, B.; Bartha, J.W.: Properties of Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Depostion-Grown Tantalum Carbonitrade Thin Films. In: J. Electrochem. Soc. 156 (2009), Nr. H852, DOI: 10.1149/1.3205457Strobel, C.; Zimmermann, T.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.; Kuske, J.: Productivity potential of an inline deposition system for amorphous and microcrysalline silicon solar cells. In: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2009), S. 1598–1607Rose, M.; Bartha, J.W.: Method to determine the sticking coefficient of precursor molecules in atomic layer depostion. In: Applied Surface Science 255 (2009), S. 6620–6623Zurück 1 2 3 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.