Publications 2013 21 bis 30 von 50 EinträgenLanga, S.; Drabe, C.; Kunath, C.; Dreyhaupt, A.; Schenk, H.: Wafer level vacuum packaging of scanning micro-mirrors using glass-frit and anodic bonding methods. In: Proc. SPIE 8614 (2013) Reliability, Packaging, Testing and Characterization of MOEMS/MEMS and Nanodevices XII, Photonics West, February 4-5 2013 (2013)Schroedter, R.; Roth, M.; Sandner, T.; Janschek, K.: Modellgestützte Bewegungsführung von quasistatischen Mikroscannern. In: Tagungsband Fachtagung Mechatronik 2013 6.-8.3.2013 (2013), S. 141–146Janschek, K.; Schroedter, R.; Sandner, T.: Flatness-Based Open Loop Command Tracking for Quasistatic Microscanners : October 21-23, 2013. In: ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference (DSCC) Paper WeAT3.1 (2013)Janschek, K.; Sandner, T.; Schroedter, R.; Roth, M.: Adaptive Prefilter Design for Control of Quasistatic Microscanners. In: Proc. of 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems – Mechatronics ‘13 April 10-12, 2013 (2013), S. 197–206Schneider, M.; Türke, A.; Fischer, W.-J.; Kilmartin, P.A.: Inkjet printed electrodes for determination of sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid in wine. In: IEEE Sensors Conference 2013 Sensors, 3.-6-11-2013, Baltimore, Maryland USA (2013)Leszczynski, S.; Leszczynska, B.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.; Stephan, U.; Kuske, J.: Influence of the Excitation Frequency Increase up to 140 MHz on the VHF-PECVD Technology. In: Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference, 23-25 October 2013, Rotterdam (2013)Teng, L.; Plötner, M.; Finn, A.; Shi, H.; Fischer, W.-J.: Sub-100 nm Channel OFETs Fabrication and AC Characterizations : Vortrag. In: 12th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology, 21st-23rd Oct. 2013 in Barcelona, Spain (2013)Teng, L.; Finn, A.; Plötner, M.; Hagemann, F.; Fischer, W.-J.: Sub-100 nm Channel Organic Field Effect Transistor fabricated by Wafer-Scale Nanoimprint Lithography with Polymer Templates : Vortrag. In: 39th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering 2013, 16th-19th Sept. 2013 in London, UK (2013)Hensel, R.; Finn, A.; Helbig, R.; Braun, H.-G.; Neinhuis, C.; Fischer, W.-J.; Werner, C.: Polymer membranes with omniphobic wetting characteristics inspired by springtail skin morphology : Poster. In: European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas (BioMAT 2013), Weimar, Germany, 2013 (2013)Hensel, R.; Finn, A.; Helbig, R.; Neinhuis, C.; Fischer, W.-J.; Werner, C.: Porous and flexible polymer membranes to mimic the omniphobic characteristics of springtail skin : Poster. In: 3rd Int. Conf. on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Sorrento, Italy (2013)Zurück 1 2 3 4 5 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.