Publications 2015 Publications 2015 1 bis 5 von 5 EinträgenKnaut, M.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.: In situ investigations on the crystal structure dependent ALD film growth of TiO2. In: 18th AVS conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Incheon, South Korea (2018)Lykova, M.; Langer, E.; Hinrichs, K.; Panschenko, I.; Meyer, J.; Künzelmann, U.; Wolf, M.J.; Lang, K.D.: Characterization of self-assembled monolayers for CueCu bonding technology. In: Microelectronic Engineering 202 (2018), S. 19–24Schade, E.; Wisser, Florian M.; Franke, M.; Weiz, A.; Werheid, M.; Martin, Jan R.; Kaskel, S.; Grothe, J.: Platinum Deposited on Carbon Supports for the Complete Detoxification of Formaldehyde at Room Temperature under Humid Conditions. In: CHEMNANOMAT 4 (2018), Nr. 9, S. 1000–1006Jehnichen, D; Pospiech, D.; Berndt, A.; Gomoll, S.C.; Natkowski, E.; Plötner, M.: X-ray characterization of dielectric layers of crosslinked methacrylate copolymers for application in organic electronics. In: Proc. 16th Europ. Powder Diffraction Conf., Edinburgh, 2018 (2018), S. 159Kumar, A.; Berndt, A.; Pospiech, D.; Plötner, M.; Voit, B.; Fischer, W.-J.; Richter, A.: Down scaling of mostly liquid processed oFETs on plastics. In: cfaed Symposium ‚Advancing Electronics‘, Dresden 2018 Poster (2018)Diese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.